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Roller Blends
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 Reiki translates from Japanese to ‘Universal Life Energy.’ It is a harmonizing, high vibration, purifying energy that has its own natural intelligence. This energy works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, helping to bring us back to our natural state of peace and wellbeing. It is also particularly effective in working with those wishing to break free of habitual patterns and addictive behaviors. Transmitted through gentle touch, it is a deeply relaxing and restorative experience that will bring you back to your center.

Reiki transcends time and space, so it can be done via distance.


1550 raleigh denver Colorado 


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About the Owner

Hi! I'm Elle this is my Little Shop of Oils. I create uniquely handcrafted candles, mists and essential oil blends aimed to offer holistic healing benefits. Though it may sound strange, it was anxiety that ignited the flame that drove me to create this labor of love.      I started building collections around the emotional ailments that plagued me. I incorporated Full Moon and New Moon candles into my manifestation rituals. The Dream Mist was designed to help acquire restful night’s sleep. The Anxiety Sucks essential oil blend became a bestselling item that helps liberate others from panic or worry.

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The Five Reiki Principles in English and Japanese

Just for today, I will not be angry - Kyo dake wa

Just for today, I will not worry - Okolu-na

Just for today, I will be grateful - Shinpai suna

Just for today, I will do my work honestly - Kansha shite

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing - Hito ni shinsetu ni

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