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1 Life Path: The Leader

As a 1 Life Path, your purpose is to develop and master innovative creativity, confidence, independence, originality, and achievement.

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging obstacles to overcome as you master your life’s purpose.

What are the characteristics of 1 Life Path?

What are you totally passionate about and how can you express it using your unique voice?

As a 1 Life Path, you’re here to act upon your creative ideas and to step forward as a leader. Your happiness lies in believing in yourself and what you’re passionate about—not what other people think you “should” be doing.

Once you identify your areas of strength, dive in with gusto and hone your innovative and unique ideas. No need to follow the flock! Your success resides in taking risks and trusting your gut, even if others find your vision weird or eccentric at first. That fine, since you’re not meant to color inside the lines anyway!

As a natural leader and innovator, embrace the idea of becoming an entrepreneur while also making sure you get the foundational skills required to achieve success on your own terms. Once you’ve mastered the basics, get out there and take charge! Your highest and best self is often revealed when you get your creative ideas up and running, then move on to the next idea. Just remember to circle back to tend to what you’ve already launched instead of leaving a million fires burning. Doing so will be further fuel for your next endeavor.


When In Alignment, You Are:Innovative, energetic, original thinker, leader, determined, inspired, courageous.

When Out of Alignment, You Can Become:Self-important, domineering, intolerant, insecure, helpless, victimized, wishy-washy, self-destructive


The Message for 1 Life Path

You’re here to learn how to individuate yourself from others, develop healthy independence, and get on the road to attainment and achievement. March to the beat of a different drummer while avoiding any tendencies toward self-absorption.

Work on quieting the critical voice that plays in your head 24/7—the one telling you you’renot good enough, not smart enough, not worthy, or whatever other lies and propaganda it whispers. Don’t be afraid to “fail forward,” by taking big chances and learning as you go. You’re meant to manifest your unique ideas in the world.

2 Life Path: The Mediator

As a 2 Life Path, your purpose is to learn and express the power of love, harmony, balance, cooperation, and diplomacy.

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging obstacles to overcome as you master your life’s purpose.

What are the characteristics of 2 Life Path?

How can you find a career and create an intimate life where the group you’re a part of feels simpatico and symbiotic?

As a 2 Life Path, you want to feel needed, loved, and to know that your contributions are respected and valued. You have a giving, generous nature and are innately intuitive.

When your talents are used to serve the greater good of a group you blossom, so avoid career choices where you’re mostly working solo. Your big heart allows you to engage in activities where you’re of service to others. Act upon your diplomatic skills and be the “power behind the throne.” And yet! You give and you give and you give some more, and then withdraw with resentment. People-pleasing could undermine your goals and relationships if they aren’t kept in check.

One of your greatest lessons will be learning how to define yourself on your own terms—not through how others perceive you or think about you. As a sensitive, supportive, and cooperative soul, you thrive in healthy partnerships, both in business and intimate relationships.

When in Alignment, You Are:Sensitive, intuitive, supportive, detail-oriented, patient, cooperative, diplomatic

When Out of Alignment, You Can Become:Resentful, narrow-minded, childish, manipulative, indecisive, self-centered, dependent, overly sensitive

The Message for 2 Life Path

You flourish when serving the needs of a group and your knack for details gives you an incredible ability to make things happen behind the scenes. Emotional sensitivity serves you best when you don’t take things personally. Your amazing heart can be a blessing and curse.

Though innately conflict avoidant, you are a supremely gifted mediator and diplomat. See the irony? While you hate conflict, your gift is in resolving it—and you’re the master at it, even making it look easy.

3 Life Path: The Communicator

As a 3 Life Path, your purpose is to develop creative self-expression, emotional sensitivity, joy, and inspired communication.

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging lessons that will guide you towards mastering your life’s purpose.

What are the characteristics of 3 Life Path?

How can you move through self-doubt and commit yourself to developing—and making money with—your amazing creative talents?

As a 3 Life Path, many things come naturally to you; in fact, you might mistakenly assume that everyone has your gift of ease in this lifetime. Yet not everyone can drink from the fountain of inspiration as readily as you, so cultivate patience for the rest of people on this planet!

The trick to utilizing your gift is to trust that you can make a living at it. Drown out the naysayers or those who wish you’d choose a more “practical” path.

Though you may have a file folder of degrees and certifications, you could have a hard time committing to something specific. There’s a risk of feeling scattered or lacking follow-through. Ultimately, you’re here to embrace your creative self-expression, tap into your deep emotions while speaking your truth, and communicating clearly—with humor and joy. You’re the consummate host and raconteur, entertaining everyone with your energetic personality, and dynamic (true life) stories.


When In Alignment, You Are:Expressive, artistic, creative, communicative, joyful, witty, optimistic, intelligent

When Out Of Alignment, You May Become:Superficial, emotionally volatile, inappropriate, prone to exaggeration or melancholia, self-doubting, inarticulate, fearful, insincere, inappropriate


The Message for 3 Life Path

While you know that it’s best not to flit about and be a novice, you may also find it challenging to stay put develop expertise. And yet, you’ll benefit from sticking to whatever you start and persevering.

Your biggest roadblocks? Extreme self-doubt, fear of criticism, and oftentimes sweepingly dramatic emotional highs and lows. Despite this, you thrive in the spotlight—whether it’s a performance, entertainment, or any creative and communicative endeavor having to do with the spoken or written word.

4 Life Path: The Teacher

As a 4 Life Path, your purpose is to develop systems and processes that bring you security and stability; you are naturally industrious and will enjoy working hard to achieve your goals.

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging lessons that will guide you towards mastering your life’s purpose.

What are the characteristics of 4 Life Path?

How can you pursue a career that you’re passionate about, not just one that will “pay the bills?”

As a 4 Life Path, you ultimately seek a sense of stability and security. Your work is extremely important to you, and yet you could go from job to job before you settle on your actual career path.

Since you think about life from a literal perspective, you thrive when you’re using your amazing process-oriented brain. You’d make a superlative teacher, and you’re apt to excel in management. An optimal systems person and a “master builder” all in one, work at thinking outside of your own (sometimes confining) box.

Following your true passion is all-important for you because you struggle with defaulting to the more mundane or practical paths rather than pursuing what you truly love. Understanding the adage of “slow and steady wins the race,” you thrive when you know the rules, use your systems-building skills and have a sense of routine in your life.

You’re all about hard work and meeting goals. Spreading your vast knowledge to others will bring you great satisfaction.


When In Alignment, You Are:Dependable, stable, productive, conservative, loyal, trustworthy, hardworking

5 Life Path: The Freedom Seeker

As a 5 Life Path, your purpose is to develop fearlessness, adventurousness, resilience, and the constructive use of freedom.

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging lessons that will guide you towards mastering your life’s purpose.

What are the characteristics of 5 Life Path?

Can you embrace (and enjoy!) the fact that you are meant to explore the world and be adventurous?

As a 5 Life Path, you’re here to experience life in all of its tactile glory.

You’re at your best when you can tap into a fearless sense of adventure, use your versatility in a focused and dynamic way, and see the world as your oyster. A standard 9-5 job probably won’t cut it for your versatile personality. You need a career with tons of freedom, that allows you to travel, explore or indulge your adventurous spirit.

And be sure to give yourself permission to experience the world before you settle down into anything permanent. The house, a family, the marriage—that can come later. As the number of excesses, beware of going overboard with partying or hedonistic indulgences.


When In Alignment, You Are:Freedom-loving, adventurous, fearless, resilient, an agent of change, flexible, fun

When Out Of Alignment, You May Become:Indulgent, excessive, restless, emotionally volatile, prone to addiction, fearful, melancholic, procrastinating, erratic, easily overwhelmed


The Message for 5 Life Path

You’re an agent of change and the master of progressive thought and action. Key themes are freedom, fun, fearlessness, and adventure. You’re here to experience all that this rich and bountiful planet has to offer—within healthy and focused perimeters.

Your nemesis? Attracting restrictive circumstances into your life and working through lots of fear. Your mantra may as well be, “Don’t fence me in!”

6 Life Path: The Nurturer

As a 6 Life Path, your purpose is to develop nurturing, balanced responsibility, acceptance, service to others, and visionary pursuits.

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging lessons that will guide you towards mastering your life’s purpose.

What are the characteristics of 6 Life Path?

What are the best ways for you to key into your visionary capabilities and let go of your need for control?

As a 6 Life Path, you’re a “big picture” kind of person. Ultimately, you’re meant to be your own boss. (Translation: You don’t like being told what to do!)

Pay close attention to other leaders and entrepreneurs, learning how to build your own business in an effective way. As a lover of beauty, creativity is a forte, and you can be a natural entertainer. Likewise, you’re also a natural counselor, capable of serving others deeply…and imaginatively! A career in the justice field could also be enticing since you have a strong sense of values and ethics.

Home and family are your domain, so you might lean toward a path in domestic beautification or set up a business at your own residence.

When In Alignment, You Are:Family-oriented, romantic, responsible, artistically creative, supportive, devoted, loving, sensible

When Out Of Alignment, You May Become:Perfectionist, critical, idealistic to a fault, self-righteous, meddling, irresponsible, indulgent, non-committal, self-absorbed


The Message for 6 Life Path

You’re here to balance your sense of responsibility and to provide loving acts of service with and for others. You’re the “home and family” number and often thrive when working with justice-related issues, in the creative arts, or anywhere a sense of beauty is required. If you manage your perfectionism, you’re a highly nurturing presence. Lighten up on the need for control and learn to see the beauty in the “flaws” and to find the wisdom that comes from making mistakes.

7 Life Path: The Seeker

As a 7 Life Path, your purpose is to develop your intuition, spirituality, trust, and openness, balanced against your desire for data-driven analysis

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging lessons that will guide you towards mastering your life’s purpose.

What are the characteristics of 7 Life Path?

Can you accept that you’re both an intellectual and intuitive?

As a 7 Life Path, you’re always seeking answers to life’s big (and small) questions. You live mostly in your head and tend to over-intellectualize everything. You’re learning how to manage and understand the emotional side of life.

You’re actually quite a sensitive and emotional person, yet that part of you feels foreign. Understand that you’re on a different wavelength than most people. You’re great with any career in which you can work alone for part of the time—research, science, data collecting, computers. Yet you can also feel the pull of your more intuitive side and be drawn to the healing arts, metaphysical thought, and self-exploration.


When In Alignment, You Are:Data-driven & analytical, refined mind, knowledge-driven, intuitive, wise, truth-seeker, spiritually centered.

When Out Of Alignment, You May Become:Critical, obsessive, secretive, distrustful, pessimistic, intimidating, always “in your head” OR superficial, overly trusting, ignorant, easily frustrated.


The Message for 7 Life Path

You’re here to be a Truth Seeker—your life is spent developing and acknowledging both the left/right brain continuum in yourself. When you tap in to both your analytical brain and your intuitive brain, you’re at your most powerful.

You’re on an “internal journey” seeking to know who you really are—deep down at your core. You need “alone” time.

8 Life Path: The Powerhouse

As an 8 Life Path, your purpose is to develop an empowered relationship with money, power, control, and authority.

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging lessons that will guide you towards mastering your life’s purpose.


What are the characteristics of 8 Life Path?

How can you embrace the fact that you’re meant to think big and be a financial success?

As an 8 Life Path, you’re destined to make a big splash in the world of money, power, control, and authority. Yet it may not be an easy dash to get there! You need to tap into your sense of personal power—one that could be tested from very early on in life. Once you get a handle on that, you will begin to attract and create lasting wealth.

But your path to riches won’t necessarily be linear. You may go up, down and all around before you find your formula for success. Along the way, authority issues will need to be balanced. Be resilient. Focus on your goal and move toward it with savvy management, organization, fortitude, heart, and most of all, integrity.


When In Alignment, You Are:Financially abundant, authoritative, powerful, in control, influential, giving

When Out Of Alignment, You May Become:Self-centered, controlling, opinionated, materialistic, forceful, rebellious, passive, victimized, powerless, insecure, scarcity-minded, blaming


The Message for 8 Life Path

You’re here to master the art of success in the material world. Think big and go for it. The 8 is the number of manifestation. What you focus on with clear intent, integrity, and effort can magically manifest with amazing power.

9 Life Path: The Humanitarian

As a 9 Life Path, your purpose is to develop your spirituality, humanitarianism, creativity, wisdom, and integrity

These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.

While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging lessons that will guide you towards mastering your life’s purpose.


What are the characteristics of 9 Life Path?

How can you best go with the flow of your creative and giving impulses?

As a 9 Life Path, you’re versatile and unique. While you can be successful at virtually anything you feel passionate about, you may feel most fulfilled when serving a humanitarian cause—large or small.

Creative, compassionate and giving, it’s through blending your gifts of imagination with your spirit of service that you truly find your groove. It’s merely a lack of concentration that can keep you from enjoying the success of your projected goals. Your challenge lies in learning to ask for support instead of struggling alone or falling into martyrdom. You’re naturally generous and more comfortable in the role of the giver, but your path involves learning how to receive. At times, you may hold on to the past. Challenge yourself to surrender and master the fine art of letting go.


When In Alignment, You Are:Humanitarian, compassionate, magnetic, charitable, romantic, creative, generous, idealistic

When Out of Alignment, You Can Be:Resentful, unable to let go of grudes and toxic emotions, hostile, haughty, close-minded, submissive, emotionally unavailable, drifting, deceptive, lacking healthy boundaries


The Message for 9 Life Path

With your divinely inspired creative approach, you are here to make a profound difference in the world. Throughout your life, you may devour books and studies involving spirituality or psychology.

On a personal level, you’re learning how to express and understand your own deep (and sometimes confusing) feelings. As you master and digest this information, avoid proselytizing. Instead, work towards becoming an objective listener and empowering supporter of others on a similar path.

Master Number 11/2: The Inspired Healer

As a Master Number 11/2 Life Path, your life purpose is to become an inspired healer, artistic force, and spiritual catalyst.

Please read the description of the 2 Life Path, because that is the foundational energy that defines your life’s purpose.

Can Life Path numbers be double digits?

In Numerology, when you see double-digit numbers that repeat the same number (such as 11, 22, 33 and so on), these are considered Master Numbers.

If you calculate your Life Path number and get an 11, 22, or 33 before “digiting” down to 2, 4, or 6, then you have a Master Number for your Life Path.

The meaning of Master Numbers in Numerology

The Master Number brings a higher vibration and an intensity that is undeniable. It “ups the ante” substantially, and means you’ve come with a greater spiritual purpose, however you define it.

You could feel high strung when working with a Master Number as your Life Path. It may feel like there’s a constant push and pull to do more and be better, sometimes to the point of distraction. You might also notice that you hold higher expectations for yourself, even when others can’t see those feelings cropping up for you.

A Master Number ultimately means you’re here to “master” your life. It indicates you will have some intense growth experiences and even more significant strengths.


When You’re In Alignment, You Are:Sensitive, intuitive, supportive, detail-oriented, patient, cooperative, diplomatic, artistically creative, and psychically gifted.

When You’re Out Of Alignment, You May Be:Resentful, narrow-minded, childish, manipulative, indecisive, self-centered, dependent, overly sensitive, or addictive.

What are the characteristics of Master Number 11/2 Life Path?

How can you take your “wounded healer” identity and evolve it into a creative and inspired healing path for yourself and for others?

As a Master Number 11/2, you may experience intensely challenging circumstances in your life, but you’ll also come out on the other side stronger, more enlightened, and ready to help others who are struggling with similar issues.

At times, life may not be easy, and yet your journey will be profoundly gratifying when you tap into your high-level of artistic creativity and psychic gifts. The contribution you make to the universe comes through the wisdom you provide for others, which is almost impossible to quantify.

You must learn to trust that the “butterfly effect” you have on people is immeasurable, and ultimately you change people’s lives through your loving heart, intuition, and artistic expression.

The Message for Master Number 11/2

You’re the “Wounded Healer” and you’ll move through intense experiences toward healing, whether it be personal, health, emotional, or the whole gamut. Given this, it’s possible you’ll come into your full power as a Master Number 11/2 Life Path later in life—into your 50’s and beyond. It takes a while to get enough experience under your belt to find your passionate focus.

Be patient and know that you’re here for higher-level service in the world. It may not be an easy ride—yet it’ll be an amazingly gratifying process. Your tendency as a dreamer (rather than a doer) can be balanced by a concerted effort to ground yourself in the day-to-day or material world.

And a note about the paradox of 11/2

Master Numbers conflict with themselves. For instance, the 11 is a double 1—all about the self, creativity, initiation, independence, innovation, and self-confidence. Yet the foundational energy for the 11 is the 2—which is all about others, partnership, loving group dynamics, and being supportive behind the scenes.

If you’re on an 11/2 Life Path, you might feel ever-so conflicted. When you understand the demands the Master Numbers place on you, you can begin to work with yourself in more effective ways, harnessing all that gifts you have to offer without crashing and burning in the process.

Remember: Working with Master Numbers is a marathon, not a sprint! Train, be flexible, pace yourself, and invest in the right equipment. Otherwise, you’ll either burn too bright too quickly, or you’ll deaden the flame and always feel as though you were meant for more. Find the courage and strength to take risks, moving yourself and your enterprises to the next and higher level.

Master Number 22/4: The Master Teacher

As a Master Number 22/4 Life Path, your life’s purpose is to become a master teacher and change people’s lives in a practical and tangible way.

Please read the description of the 4 Life Path, because that is the foundational energy that defines your life’s purpose.

Can Life Path numbers be double digits?

In Numerology, when you see double-digit numbers that repeat the same number (such as 11, 22, 33 and so on), these are considered Master Numbers. If you calculate your Life Path number and get an 11, 22, or 33 before digiting down to 2, 4, or 6, then you have a Master Number for your Life Path.

The meaning of Master Numbers in Numerology

The Master Number brings a higher vibration and an intensity that is undeniable. It “ups the ante” substantially, and means you’ve come with a higher spiritual purpose, however you define it.

You could feel high-strung when working with a Master Number as your Life Path. It may feel like there’s a constant push and pull to do more and be better, sometimes to the point of distraction. You might also notice that you hold higher expectations for yourself, even when others can’t see those feelings cropping up for you.

A Master Number ultimately means you’re here to “master” your life. It indicates you will have some intense challenges and even more significant strengths.

When You’re In Alignment, You Are:Dependable, stable, productive, conservative, loyal, trustworthy, hardworking, a masterful purveyor of practical knowledge, building something of lasting value that helps people live better lives on a day-to-day basis.

When You’re Out Of Alignment, You May Be:Rigid, bulldozing, bossy, blunt, martyr about work, fear of taking risks, unorganized, careless, distracted, lazy, irresponsible, micromanaging, thinking small, feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus on what you want to create in the world.


What are the characteristics of Master Number 22/4 Life Path?

How can you expand your ideas, “think big,” and get out of your own way as you build something of lasting value in the world?

With the Master Number 22/4 Life Path, you are here to break out of your safe and secure zone to make more of an impact in the world around you. This may be scary and somewhat foreign for you because you gravitate toward the tried-and-true, erring on the safe side. Yet know that the Master Number 22/4 is the most powerful number in Numerology. (Did we just hear you “gulp?”) Yes, it’s a big deal!

You’re meant to achieve and build something that makes a difference on a grand scale—and that won’t always feel comfortable. Blast past childhood wounds, through and around your very real (and also your self-imposed) limitations, and work tenaciously to define and achieve your goals.

The Message for Master Number 22/4

You may think that you aren’t up to this task but be patient and know you’re here for higher-level service in the world. You may not come into your full power as a Master Number 22/4 Life Path until later in life—into your 50’s and beyond. It takes a while to get enough experience under your belt to find your passionate focus.

It may not be an easy ride—yet it’ll be amazingly gratifying. You could grapple with an inflated sense of self-importance and simultaneously feel as though the world is conspiring against you. Grab onto your high-minded ideals and conduct the long-range planning needed to create your inspired vision.

And a note about the paradox of 22/4

Master Numbers conflict with themselves. For instance, the 22 is a double 2—all about diplomacy, love, emotional sensitivity, intuition, service behind the scenes, and cooperation.

Yet the foundational energy for the 22 is the 4, which is all about security, stability, hard work, and systems building.

If you’re on a Master Number 22/4 Life Path, you might feel ever-so conflicted. When you understand the demands the Master Numbers place on you, you can begin to work with yourself in more effective ways, harnessing all that amazingness you have to offer without crashing and burning in the process.

Remember: Working with Master Numbers is a marathon, not a sprint! Train, be flexible, pace yourself, and invest in the right equipment. Otherwise, you’ll either burn too bright too quickly, or you’ll deaden the flame and always feel as though you were meant for more. Find the courage and strength to take risks, moving yourself and your enterprises to the next and higher level.

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