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A Daily Practice for Manifesting Abundance

The world may be uncertain, but your ability to set and manifest intentions is stronger than ever. Today, we’re sharing a daily practice for manifesting prosperity using our Remover of Obstacles Scrub and Money Magnet Oil, plus the Abundance Candle. Whether you want to attract financial wealth or broaden the intention to encompass your state of mind and life more generally, this practice can support your goal to live in a state of abundance.

For this practice, you will need:

Step #1: Remove Any Obstacles & Stuck Energy

The first step to manifesting wealth is believing that you truly deserve it. To truly open yourself up to success and prosperity, it’s important to clear away all stuck energy in your aura or limiting beliefs in your mind that hold you back from your highest potential. Made with black salt, essential oils, and Smoky Quartz and Lapis Lazuli crystals, this crystal-infused body scrub can help you scrub off all limiting beliefs and energetic blocks so you can manifest all that you deserve.

How To Use It: Scrub yourself from head to toe. As you scrub each part of your body, scrub away from the center of your body 5 times, as the number 5 represents a change of state.

Step #2: Be a Money Magnet

After you’ve eliminated the beliefs and behaviors that do not serve you, it’s time to fill yourself with positive energy to help you attract wealth. This crystal-infused oil can be used to anoint yourself with the rich energy of Citrine and Pyrite crystals, plus cinnamon and basil essential oils so you can make yourself a magnet for wealth and prosperity.

How To Use It: Rub the Money Magnet oil onto your wrists, behind your knees, over your heart, and at the nape of your neck to fill your entire being with the energy of prosperity. You can also rub it on your favorite wealth stones and jewelry before you wear it to magnify their energy.

Step #3: Bring Abundance Into Your Space

Now that your own energy is optimized for your wealth intentions, it’s time to focus on your environment. The Abundance Crystal Candle has a trio of Citrine, Aventurine, and Pyrite crystals which fill your home with the energy of wealth and positivity to help you live in a state of abundance.

How To Use It: Write an intention, wish or prayer related to wealth the outside of your Abundance crystal candle. Make sure that you sign and date it. Burn your candle to bring your intention to life.

BONUS: A Secret Prosperity Chant

Anytime you find yourself worried about your finances, say this chant while using your oil and crystals. It's a technique that Heather learned from a kahuna many years ago when she was training - and it works!

Rub your oil on your wrists and on your crystals. Then, holding your crystals in your hands, close your eyes and say this chant aloud 5x: Money grow, money flow. Money shine, money mine. Trinka five, trinka five, trinka five. Then, carry your crystals with you throughout the day.

Bring the unique vibrations of these three crystal-infused energy tools together, and use them to address the different layers of your intention to set yourself up for success in manifesting wealth, abundance, prosperity, or any other financial goal.


How to Reach Us

Energy Muse HQ

Denver, Co

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