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Cancer in Love

Cancers (June 21 – July 22) are sensitive and sentimental souls who crave the comfort of a steady partner.

Your Cancer love horoscope for every possible relationship phase: dating, sex, weddings, breakups, cheating, friendship, and more

Cancer is the sign of family and children, ruler of the heart and all its matters, which they take rather seriously.

This water sign yearns for someone they can nurture, bond with and above all, trust with their tender hearts.

While your friends are playing the field or ordering their first legal cocktails, you’re busy picking names for your future children or mentally decorating their nurseries.

Crabs hang with a tight circle of friends, and you may find your mate within yours. Since you only trust your inner posse, your pals may act as a romantic referral service. A homebody at heart, you just want to cozy up on the couch with your mate — although you love to be taken out, king or queen style. You’re highly intuitive but equally moody, so your Cancer love partner needs to respect your emotions

Cancer love is serious business, after lots of crushes

A sensitive, sometimes insecure creature, you need stability and lots of reassurance—which is why you’re strongly attracted to confident, successful types. Cancers can be mama’s or daddy’s girls/boys, so you need a nurturing, trustworthy partner with whom you can build a nest. Although you have dozens of crushes, falling in love is serious business to you. Your sensitive nature makes you uncomfortable opening up.

They love to encourage their loved ones to connect to their feelings, but can sometimes too strongly connect to their own! Ruled by the moon, a Cancer is known to get moody at times, but is also just sentimental and nostalgic by nature. Cancer is the sign of the feminine and the “mother” archetype. As the zodiac’s fourth sign, a Cancer’s love runs deep. As a result, in matters of the heart you take a long time to decide if a partner is reliable enough to hear your deepest secrets. Once you do, you’re in for the long haul.

In Cancer love, family matters––a lot

A Cancer’s familial ties are strong, with emphasis on planting deep roots and feathering the nest. 

They throw intimate dinner parties, as they love nothing more than sharing a good home cooked meal with their closest friends. Cancer can be too much of a people pleaser and caregiver at times, tending to everyone else’s needs but their own. If a Crab does not air their dirty laundry, it can often lead to resentment and feeling under appreciated. This is a sign that needs to know they are loved as much as they give love.

Since you’re so close to your family, your mate MUST get along with your kin or the relationship simply won’t work. You live for those cozy, multi-generational Thanksgiving dinners and family vacations. A partner who loves kids and family is just your type.

Still, you’ve gotta cut the cord, which many Cancers are reluctant to do. Like a Crab, you can cling, and it takes a long time for you to let go of love.

The Cancer love combination

Cancers should look for the right combination of toughness and tenderness, and a steady partner who is both loyal and sympathetic. Players beware — this sign is looking for security and closeness, not a casual fling. Fortunately, you’re not easily fooled by the smooth-talking types. In fact, you can be quite the challenge for prospective mates. Try softening up that tough “crab shell” a little and revealing more of who you are when out on dates. This actually increases your chances of attracting a compatible mate who shares your interests or creative appetite for life.

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