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Daily Horoscopes: Today In Your Stars Horoscope for July 6, 2024 - July 7, 2024


Craving a minute to reflect and relax? Saturday offers you just that. Fly under the radar as the just-new moon nestles in Cancer and your homey fourth house. A creative breakthrough—including some decor inspiration—could come while you're lounging on the couch or puttering around the garden. With romantic Venus cuddled up to la luna, how about inviting someone over to share in your domestic bliss? Sunday, the energy shifts as the moon moves into Leo and connects with social Mercury. As they unite in your fifth house of passion and play, you’re in the mood to be at the center of festivities, whether that’s a poolside afternoon that turns into a dance party or a day of belly-laughing and beach volleyball with your favorite people. Conversations could get animated, so stick to non-inflammatory topics (hard to pull off these days) and focus on having fun.


A “locally grown” weekend is just what the stars have on tap for you. On Saturday, the moon lingers in Cancer and your third house of communication and community. Fill your coffee mug and wander around your neighborhood. Help keep the neighborhood economy flourishing (and the character intact) by picking up items from a local business. Bonus points if you score a Fourth of July weekend discount! Stay open to the kindness of strangers. A charming moon-Venus alignment could turn up the heat on a flirtatious attraction. Coupled Bulls, get out for a day of cultural activities and refresh your conversational feed from "Did you drop off that package at UPS?" to "What did you think of that exhibit?" On Sunday, the moon shifts into Leo and your homey fourth house, and meets up with curious Mercury. You won’t need to leave Chateau Taurus to find entertainment and restoration. Putter around, nibble on leftovers and recover from any holiday festivities. Mercury draws out your social side, but an open-door policy could turn burdensome unless you’re super-clear. Relatives and friends who drop by should be the type that don’t mind pouring their own beverages and making themselves at home. Let ‘em know you’re off-duty today.


As much as you love a holiday break, you could be itching to get back to work on Saturday. Yesterday’s Cancer new moon ignited your money house, sparking revenue-generating ideas and turning your thoughts to practical matters. If you haven’t at least captured the ideas in a document, make sure to do that. Reminder to Geminis: You CAN mix business with pleasure. As the moon and decadent Venus connect on Saturday, “shoptalk” can happen poolside, with a mocktail in hand or while enjoying time in the garden. If you’re in a relationship, take a stroll for lattes and talk through your burgeoning plans. Got work to catch up on? Block out a couple hours on Saturday because on Sunday, the moon shifts into Leo and your outgoing third house, putting you in the mood to socialize and explore. La luna will meet up with your ruler, curious Mercury, making you even more restless. Satisfy your cravings for culture with an indie film or exploring some local events. Low-key fun, like meeting friends for an afternoon drink or a round of mini-golf, could be the perfect way to ease into a new week.


You're not imagining it, Cancer. People really are checking you out! And it's not because you’re walking around with kale in your teeth or a wardrobe malfunction. With the just-new moon and Venus connecting in your sign this Saturday, your magnetism is amplified. Feel free to special-order from the universe. But don't just leave those desires on your vision board. Speak up! People will happily roll out the red carpet for you, so take advantage of this benefit from the stars. Romantically, you won't be at a loss for attention either. On Sunday, your pragmatic side takes the helm when the moon moves into Leo and your grounded second house, connecting to chatty Mercury. Your mind shifts out of holiday mode and onto bills, projects and responsibilities. Easy there, Crab! It’s okay to continue basking in the limelight. In fact, you may decide to dress the part of the cosmic ingenue by treating yourself to a luxe new wardrobe item that will become a summer staple.


You're dreaming of a sweet escape this Saturday as the moon spends the day in Cancer and your transcendent twelfth house. Slip off for some unstructured wandering or even an overnight trip. With the moon connecting to romantic and creative Venus, drink in artistic inspiration while you're out and about. Meander through an exhibit, check out a theater performance. If your inner creatrix is clamoring for airtime, break out the sketchbook and paints, and let yourself play! Romantically and socially, no one can stop you from rocking the rose-colored glasses. Though you might feel like you've met The One or your new BFF, pace yourself and let the connection develop organically. On Sunday, the moon shifts into Leo, and your energy perks up big-time. As la luna connects to curious, communicative Mercury, ideas could spill over and you’ll be itching to share them. Capture those brilliant insights that bubble up because they could arrive a mile a minute.


Drop that red velvet rope, Virgo. With the moon spending Saturday in Cancer and your communal eleventh house, "the more, the merrier" is your motto. You'd rather hang out with down-to-earth, fun-loving fun-loving "everyday people" than wait in line behind a bunch of so-called influencers to get into an overpriced event. Meet friends at a venue where you can let loose and mingle with new people. Widen your social reach as Venus connects to the moon this Saturday and who knows? Casual chitchat could lead to romantic sparks. You'll bond best with creative types, whether you're the artist or an arts appreciator. Romance could percolate with a friend's platonic plus-one or someone you meet online. On Sunday, the moon slips into Leo and your dreamy, sleepy twelfth house. With your ruler, mental Mercury, already there, you could be ready for a much-needed break. Slip off the grid, disappear into a good book or a long nap. Restore yourself before the new workweek begins tomorrow.


It might be the weekend, but ambitious goals are top of mind, especially on Saturday. Yesterday’s Cancer new moon awakened your professional tenth house, giving you a burst of clarity about your big-picture vision and what you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year. La luna will linger in this sign for another day, meeting up with your ruler, creative and loving Venus. Instead of going straight into hustle mode—never ideal for the gentle Libra soul—pave a pleasurable path to success. Could you collaborate with someone you admire? Make your job search or client-prospecting process enjoyable, even artistic? Venus rules romance, and your #couplegoals could surface as a conversation topic. On Sunday, when the moon shifts into Leo and your idealistic eleventh house, the world feels like your oyster. With social Mercury pinging the moon, it’s a more-the-merrier kind of day. Hit up any gatherings where out-of-the-box thinkers are likely to be, and share some of your most innovative ideas. You could find a kindred spirit or two in the mix!


A change of scenery is food for your soul this weekend as the moon rolls through Cancer and your peripatetic ninth house. Whether you're slipping off for an overnight or sampling the cuisine in a sister city e in a sister city, your wanderlust has been officially activated. Worried about July 4 traffic and crowds? Start planning a great getaway for later this summer. With romantic Venus nuzzling the moon on Saturday, you might find the perfect travel companion to help you scratch that itch. Single Scorpios could feel sparks with someone you might meet through your explorations, whether you leave town or just shift gears into “staycation” mode and check out new local attractions. On Sunday, the moon moves into Leo and your ambitious tenth house, a decided mindset shift. Clever Mercury’s conjunction to the moon could spin up some great ideas for how you can crush your goals in the week ahead. Just don’t spin OUT, Scorpio. Obsessing about the future is not only counter-productive, it could steal the joy you derived from last week’s July Fourth holiday. Set a few ambitious but reachable milestones for the coming week, then go enjoy your Sunday.


If you sense something, say something. Your intuitive powers are off the chart this Saturday as the Cancer moon percolates in your insightful, intimate eighth house. Even asking people how they're feeling can spawn cathartic conversations. You'll have the perfect advice to offer, but after that, let go. Though you hate to watch people struggle, allowing them to work out their own solutions is how they'll grow stronger. Besides, a certain steamy someone could be craving your attention! Saturday’s sultry moon-Venus merger is ideal for intimate one-on-ones. Things could get spicy behind closed doors, or you could FINALLY break the ice with a mysterious crush. Brunch could turn into an all-day date—that's how strong the click can be! On Sunday, the moon moves into Leo and your big-picture, adventurous ninth house. Whatever you’ve been obsessing over, you’ll snap out of now. As the moon and Mercury meet up, you’re in the mood to talk about lofty ideas and visionary plans—perhaps ones that include travel or a startup business idea. 


This weekend is all about tending to your closest ties, Capricorn. On Saturday, the just-new moon in Cancer unites with romantic Venus in your partnerships zone. How can you sweeten your bonds with your inner circle? Whether that’s your best friend, your “work spouse” or your romantic partner, give them some extra love and appreciation. Quality one-on-one time is the best medicine on Sunday, when la luna shifts into Leo and your intimate, intense eighth house and connects with chatty Mercury. If there’s a sensitive topic you’ve been needing to discuss, this weekend can be a safe space for that. With the moon and Mercury in this erotic zone, you don’t have to only use words to express a connection. Sensual touch and quality time behind closed doors could speak volumes. Not feeling the amorous vibes? The moon-Mercury meetup can sharpen your research abilities and investigative powers. Dive into a topic you’ve been dancing around and let yourself tumble down that rabbit hole.


Make self-care your top priority this Saturday. With the Cancer moon rolling through your wellness zone and meeting up with beautifying Venus, you’re ready for a reset after that holiday indulgence. You You might even treat this like a one-day detox, giving your body a break from acidic foods like sugar and dairy. If you're meeting friends for a wild Saturday night, sip a seltzer and offer to be designated driver. You're not in "rager" mode, but you'll be happy to get your cardio on the dance floor just the same. With healing, compassionate Neptune connecting to luna this Saturday, remember that water is life. Flood your system with fresh H2O and consider making a donation to an environmental charity. On Sunday, the moon shifts into Leo and your partnerships zone, sidling up to chatty Mercury. Flirty vibes could spark at your afternoon spin class or through someone you meet while running errands. Attached? Get active together with a hiking date—and maybe a sexy detour into the underbrush.


Keep the fireworks and festivities going, Fish! The moon spends Saturday in Cancer and your fifth house of pleasure heat dome” that rivals the summer barometer. Tuck away that errand list and play hooky from any responsibilities that can wait until next week. Are there some tempting July 4 sales at the local boutiques? With glamorous Venus also sidling up to the moon, squeeze in a little summer shopping and pick up a new top or an accessory that goes with everything. You'll have the excuse you need to meet friends for a fancy dinner or plan a dress-up day. Your natural charm is amplified, making you quite the coquette. If you don't end the weekend with a passionate moment to report, we'll be surprised! On Sunday, the moon shifts gears into Leo and your sixth house of wellness. You can balance out the revelry with healthy eating, movement and a positive mindset shift.

About The Author

Elizabeth, affectionately known as Elle, the force behind Elle’s Little Shop of Oils. An accomplished astrologist, tarot reader, and Reiki master, she crafts divine candles and essential oils. Elle’s products are all about wellness and a splash of magic.

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