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Find Love in Your Astrology Chart~ Ultimate Planet Guide Make sense of your love life with the planets, houses and these essential relationship tools

Find Love in Your Astrology Chart

Make sense of your love life with the planets, houses and these essential relationship tools

Venus Astrology: The Ultimate Planet Guide

Swoon! Venus is the planet of love, beauty and harmony. Who will you fall for…and how? The zodiac sign and house Venus was orbiting through when you were born reveal your seductive secrets—and how you like to be seduced! This planet sets the stage for romance and indulges in Cupid’s offerings liberally. You won’t have the best boundaries where Venus lands in your chart, but you sure will enjoy some pleasurable (and hot!) moments.

What Venus means in astrology

Known as Earth’s “sister planet” due to their similar size, Venus is the only planet in the solar system named after a female goddess. Like the moon, Venus represents many of the classically feminine traits.

Glowing, gorgeous Venus is the brightest planet in the night sky. Only the moon (not a planet per se) shines brighter, in fact. Along with rosy Jupiter, she is one of the “great benefics”: a planet that astrologically speaking, bring a primarily positive affect. In Roman mythology, she is the goddess of love, sex, beauty, pleasure, and what—and who—we treasure.

Although Venus orbits the Sun in 225 days, she spins very slowly on her axis. One day on Venus is longer an entire YEAR on Earth! Venus hangs in a sign for three to five weeks on average. Every 18 months, however, she will turn retrograde and can linger in a single zodiac sign (or pivot between a pair of them) for up to four months.

Venus—and her cosmic copilot Mars—are the lovebirds of the solar system.

Real talk: This planet knows how to luxuriate. She governs our senses and refines our sensibilities, reminding us to pause and deeply inhale those roses. Your Venus sign in your chart reveals your dating style, how you like to be romanced and what will visually attract you.

While the moon governs our emotional security, Venus is more about the wining and dining.

What is the effect of Venus in astrology?

Venus’ position in your chart reveals your divine feminine energy, a trait every human carries, no matter your physical gender. If you were born with Venus in assertive Aries you may be a warrior woman, delighting with your daring moves and radiant heat. Venus in future-forward Aquarius may be more of an “Athena” archetype wooing with a keen, strategic and logical mind. For women, Venus shows what traits you want to be appreciated for in relationships. If women are your dating preference, your Venus sign gives clues about the type of lady who could win your heart (or at least your lust).

While the moon governs our emotional security, Venus is more about the wining and dining. People born with Venus in sensitive Pisces could swoon for poetic words, candlelight dinners and custom curated playlists. Someone with Venus in structured Capricorn would be far more practical, preferring a provider type who brings home the bacon and loads up the household savings account with cash.

Venus in Taurus people may prefer practical luxury, saving up for pricey, yet well made, items from classic brands. They may be slower, but steadier, in their seduction approach, preferring to let relationships build organically. Affection and physical touch will be important here. Those born with Venus in chatty Gemini, on the other hand, can burn through paychecks chasing the latest trends. Variety is their favorite spice; dating apps were designed just for them!

If you’re hosting a party or decorating your home, look to Venus for cues. The food, music and colors we prefer can all fall under this planet’s domain. Like meticulous Mercury, Venus also governs the ways we socialize and how we share our possessions. But while Mercury never minds a debate, pleasant and peace-seeking Venus wants harmony. Can’t we all just get along? Venus says: yes, please!

What does your Venus sign say about you?

As the astrological aesthete, Venus directs your personal style, from your taste in clothes and decor to what you find visually appealing. Here’s where you’re creative, indulgent and romantic. You may have greater ease receiving gifts and support in the realms your Venus sign rules. 

As the zodiac’s peacekeeping diplomat, Venus helps you negotiate compromises. Just beware the “nice disease” in the area of life your Venus placement rules. This conflict-averse planet can also make you a bit too quick to settle or accept peace at any price. You may need to strengthen your backbone a bit, so that you don’t wind up saying “maybe,” when you mean “no.”

All about your Venus sign or natal Venus

Whatever zodiac sign and house Venus was orbiting through at your time of birth determines your “natal Venus” or “Venus sign.” More specifically, this will guide you in the following ways:

  • Beauty: What (and who) you’re attracted to; your aesthetic preferences

  • Romance: How you like to be wooed; what gets you in the mood

  • Seduction: Your seductive style and powers of attraction

  • Values: What you’ll spend money on and cherish

  • Luxury: Your high-end desires

  • Peace: Where you need harmony and serenity

  • Fashion: Personal style; how you dress and decorate 

  • Justice: Your sense of fairness; who you’ll stick up for

Venus is one of the inner planets, along with Mercury and Mars. Because of its closer proximity to the Sun, it floats through all twelve zodiac signs in 225 days, spending an average of 3-5 weeks in each zodiac sign. 

What is Your Venus Sign? 

Use our cosmic calculator to discover what zodiac sign and house Venus was in when you were born. To accurately determine the house, you will need to know your birth time.

What if the zodiac sign and house are different?

This is common! Read both the sign and house description below. Do these interpretations pull you in two different directions? That’s not unusual. We human beings have range. Astrology is an interpretive dance, a tool which provides a fascinating layer of self-discovery. Do some “astro mixology.” Reflect on how you can work with both energies to enhance your life.


Venus astrology facts

Planetary Stats: Venus

  • Changes Zodiac Signs: Every 3-5 weeks

  • Zodiac Sign It Rules: Taurus & Libra

  • Day of the Week: Friday

What does Venus govern?

  • Love

  • Beauty

  • Fashion & Aesthetics

  • Dating & Romance

  • Creativity

  • Divine feminine energy

What zodiac sign is ruled by Venus?

Every planet has rulership over a zodiac sign, and in Venus’ case, there are two: sensual Taurus and harmonious Libra. Through the Libra aspect, Venus reveals her more yang, or masculine, moves. This is the outward expression of Venus: our fashion sense, material urges (and splurges), aesthetic preferences, and how we romance the ones we adore.

Through earthy, grounded Taurus, Venus expresses her yin, or feminine, qualities. Said another way, this is the aspect of Venus that rules our receptivity. What do we need in order to feel happy, fulfilled and loved?

What are the special positions of Venus


Venus turns retrograde every 18 months for six weeks, so it’s not unusual to be born with this planet in reverse. You may have to work harder to muscle through its lessons, but once you nail this planet’s energy, your additional effort may actually lead to a rock-solid mastery of working with Venus in your life. 

Domicile: Taurus & Libra

The planet’s home base, an easy flow if placed here in the chart

Detriment: Scorpio & Aries 

Opposite sign of home base, may need to work harder to integrate the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart

Exalted: Pisces 

The planet’s most powerful position; indicates ease and added fortune with using the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart

Fall: Virgo 

Opposite sign to the exalted position, can indicate struggles with utilizing the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart

Mars Astrology: The Ultimate Planet Guide

The heat is on! Mars is the second smallest planet in our solar system that governs passion and sex drive. With its blood red color and raging dust storms, it is little wonder that Mars is also the planet associated with anger and combat. 

What Mars means in astrology

Named after the Roman god of war and agriculture, our virility and fertility is influenced by Mars’ placement in our natal chart. Although Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system, his nature is #fierce. One might say he even has a bit of an astrological Napoleon complex! Ironically, Mars boasts the tallest mountain (the Olympus Mons) in the entire solar system. We could make all kinds of jokes about this, but we’ll spare you.

“Life on Mars” may soon be more than just a classic David Bowie jam, since satellite photos have revealed that some of Mars’ ice formations have melted into liquid water, which could evolve into organism-supporting conditions over time. Mars hovers in a single zodiac sign for an average of seven weeks. Every other year, however, the red planet goes retrograde and can linger in a single sign (or pivot between two) for nearly nine months!

Instinctual Mars is the ruler of aggro Aries—the first sign of the zodiac. (Fun fact: Mars is actually the Roman version of the Greek god Ares.) He spawns a primal energy and a desire to dominate. What’s your fighting style? Are you combative, passive, manipulative…? The zodiac sign your Mars falls in your chart will show how you do battle.

Mars’ influence in your chart can liberate your lusty nature and help you enjoy a fulfilling sex life.

What does a Mars sign mean in astrology?

Whenever you feel threatened, that’s when your survival instincts (fight, flight, feed and f**k) are tweaked by the placement of Mars in your chart. When the going gets tough, Mars kicks in! People born with Mars in sensitive Cancer may use emotional tactics to dominate, forming alliances with people in power (or keeping enemies closer than friends). They may also respond to stress by cleaning out the refrigerator! Someone with Mars in steady Taurus, however, could be a bit of a street fighter, quick to throw a punch when they see red. Retail therapy can be also be a vice for these folks. If you have Mars in Taurus, lock up the plastic when the going gets tough!

Mars—and his cosmic cohort, sensual Venus—are the lovebirds of the solar system. While Venus is the seductress, Mars is the raw, animal force of pure lust. No surprise here: Mars has a secondary rulership over seductive, sex-driven Scorpio. What happens when the prefrontal cortex goes silent and the reptilian brain takes over? Time becomes meaningless; we act on urge rather than thought.

What are the qualities of Mars?

Regardless of gender, all humans embody some form of male, or yang, energy. The position of Mars in your chart can reveal how you express this—and how you don’t! If you are a lover of men, Mars reveals the type of guy you’ll be attracted to in the romantic sense.

Mars may be impulsive and kind of a train wreck when left unchecked. But he is also a great motivator. If you’re low on drive or struggling to start a mission, lean in to his energy for a power boost. Mars in communicative Gemini people might benefit from finding a “project twin,” for example; someone who can act as a sounding board or a literal partner on the venture. While those born with Mars in lavish Libra may require a beautiful or decadent environment in order to get the ball rolling. Nothing wrong with a work-from-patisserie day, here and there!

Your Mars sign dictates how comfortable you feel when taking initiative with others. If you have a passive Mars sign, like dreamy Pisces, don’t stress. Practice makes perfect in this arena—plus, you may find that charm works better than the direct hit.

What is your Mars Sign? 

Use our cosmic calculator to discover what zodiac sign and house Mars was in when you were born. To accurately determine the house, you will need to know your birth time.

What if the zodiac sign and house are different?

This is common! Read both the sign and house description below. Do these interpretations pull you in two different directions? That’s not unusual. We human beings have range. Astrology is an interpretive dance, a tool which provides a fascinating layer of self-discovery. Do some “astro mixology.” Reflect on how you can work with both energies to enhance your life.


Find your Mars Sign

Calculate Yours!

What does Mars in a birth chart mean?

Like a celestial sentry, Mars readies us to fight for what we hold dear. Here’s where you feel passionate, fired up and may have a surplus of energy. Temper alert! You may find that your fuse is shorter when it comes to this area of life. Or you may run hot and cold. You’re willing to act instinctually instead of deliberately—and sometimes things get messy as a result. 

Lusty Mars is the forthright companion to seductive Venus and can bring out the “cosmic caveperson” in us all. Raw desire is directed by Mars, and that includes everything from our sex drive to our professional pursuits. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, so why not build upon that heat? Daring, energetic Mars provides exothermic momentum for our most trailblazing missions.

All about your Mars sign or natal Mars

Whatever zodiac sign and house Mars was orbiting through at your time of birth determines your “natal Mars” or “Mars sign.” More specifically, this will guide you in the following ways:

  • Motivation: How driven you are to achieve and what lights your fire

  • Lust: Your passionate instincts and erotic drive

  • Leadership: Where you’ll readily jump in and take charge

  • Fight: What gets you riled up and ready to throw down; how you do battle

  • Initiative: How readily you’ll start a project, relationship, etc.

  • Raw instincts: What makes you move into action without thinking twice

Mars is one of the inner planets, along with Venus and Mercury. Because of its closer proximity to the Sun, it moves through all twelve zodiac signs in 687 days, spending an average of 6-8 weeks in each zodiac sign.

Mars astrology facts

Planetary Stats: Mars

  • Changes Zodiac Signs: Every 6-8 weeks

  • Zodiac Sign It Rules: Aries (and secondary ruler of Scorpio)

  • Day of the Week: Tuesday

What does Mars govern?

  • Combat style

  • Motivation

  • Lust, Sex drive, Virility

  • Competitiveness

  • Sacred masculine energy

What zodiac sign is ruled by Mars?

Aries, with a minor rule over Scorpio.

What are the special positions of Mars?


Mars turns retrograde once every two years for a span of approximately two and a half months. It’s not that unusual to be born with this planet in reverse. You may have to work harder to muscle through its lessons, but once you nail this planet’s energy, your additional effort may actually lead to a rock-solid mastery of working with Mars in your life. 

Domicile: Aries 

The planet’s home base, an easy flow if placed here in the chart

Detriment: Libra 

Opposite sign of home base, may need to work harder to integrate the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart 

Exalted: Capricorn 

The planet’s most powerful position; indicates ease and added fortune with using the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart

Fall: Cancer 

Opposite sign to the exalted position, can indicate struggles with utilizing the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart

Moon Astrology: The Ultimate Planet Guide

Moon Astrology: The Ultimate Planet Guide


Security check! The moon shows what you need in order to feel “at home” in the world and in your relationships.

Here is everything you need to know about the moon in astrology.

What does the Moon represent in astrology?

In astrology, la luna depicts the emotional forecast for your horoscope.

The ever-shifting moon has a powerful influence on planet Earth. It directs the tides and stabilizes our climate by regulating the wobble of the Earth on its axis.

The moon plays a similar role in astrology, directing the flow of our emotions and our internal temperatures. Someone with an Aries moon, for example, may heat up quickly, while a Scorpio moon is like an active volcano—their feelings simmering below the surface until they suddenly erupt!

Is your Moon sign important?

The moon changes signs every 2.5 days, transiting through all 12 zodiac signs in 27.5 days. Our changeable moods are governed by Luna—the Roman goddess who represents the moon. The moon is often thought of as the counterpart to the Sun: el Sol is expressive while la luna is receptive.

The Sun’s energy radiates outward, while the moon processes all that heat and energy coming our way. What pushes your buttons? Where are you most sensitive? And how much emotion do you reveal? A measured Capricorn moon may view feelings as something to be controlled, while a compassionate Pisces moon may have #NoFilter, and weep openly at a moment’s notice.

Do you need a lot of verbal reassurance (Scorpio moon) or do you feel loved when people encourage us to take risks and shine (Leo moon)? Can you be comfortable with home on the road (Sagittarius moon) or do you require a well-appointed sanctuary (Cancer moon)? Even the way you save money or build a nest eggcan be revealed by the moon’s position in your chart.

Because the moon changes so rapidly, it’s important to know your exact time of birth in order to know your moon sign. Do your chart for free here.

Every moon sign has its own light side—the obvious feelings that we are comfortable with expressing.

What’s your Moon sign?

Use our cosmic calculator to discover what zodiac sign and house the moon was in when you were born. To accurately determine the house, you will need to know your birth time.


Find Your Moon Sign

Calculate Yours!

What if the zodiac sign and house are different?

This is common! Read both the sign and house description below. Do these interpretations pull you in two directions? That’s not unusual. We human beings have range. Astrology is an interpretive dance, a tool which provides a fascinating layer of self-discovery. Do some “astro mixology.” Reflect on how you can work with both energies to enhance your life.

What does the Moon mean in your birth chart?

Just as the ever-changing moon directs the tides, its placement in our charts dictates the more fluid, emotional sides of our nature. Yes, you’re going to take everything personally in this area of life! Feelings and facts are one and the same where this heavenly body is concerned. Given this heightened sensitivity, your moon sign also shows the ways that you are intuitive and empathetic. 

Many astrologers interpret your moon sign as an indicator of the relationship you will have with your biological mother. Regardless of whether this resonates for you or not, la luna is the celestial security blanket. What do you need to feel safe in the world? How do you nurture yourself with self-care, sleep, food and all the things a mother figure would oversee? Your moon sign also tells a lot about your relationship to family and even what may have triggered you as a kid.

All about your Moon sign or natal moon

Whatever zodiac sign and house the moon was orbiting through at your time of birth determines your “natal moon” or “moon sign.” More specifically, this will guide you in the following ways:

  • Emotions: How you react to situations and your inner temperament

  • Desire: What you crave in order to feel emotionally fulfilled

  • Sanctuary: How you set up your home, what and who makes you feel “at home”

  • Nurturing: How you care for yourself and others

  • Family relationships: How you interact with your relatives, especially your mother figure

  • Childhood issues: Early wounds, karmic triggers that you brought in from past lives

  • Intuition: How readily you pick up on unspoken cues and “body language”

  • Security: What makes you feel safe; what you need to feel like it’s all taken care of

The moon orbits through all twelve zodiac signs in a 29.5 day lunar month, spending 2.5 days in each zodiac sign before moving on to the next. This is one of the key differentiators of people born under the same Sun sign. Since a friend whose birthday is three days before or after yours will already have a different moon sign, your emotional temperaments will differ notably.

Moon astrology facts

Planetary Stats: Moon

  • Changes Zodiac Signs: Every 2-3 days

  • Zodiac Sign It Rules: Cancer

  • Day of the Week: Monday

What does the Moon govern?

  • Emotions

  • Receptivity

  • Intuition

  • Security

  • Home

  • The mother

What zodiac sign is ruled by the moon?

Every heavenly body is said to “rule” a zodiac sign. The moon governs Cancer, the sign associated with women, the mother, the home and our general sense of security. Understanding your moon sign can help you navigate relationships with all the ladies in your life. It may also define how well you get along with mother. A Gemini moon, for example may be BFFs with your mom, while a Taurus moon may long for stability and consistency from dear mama. 

What are the different positions of the Moon?

Domicile: Cancer

The planet’s home base, an easy flow if placed here in the chart

Detriment: Capricorn

Opposite sign of home base, may need to work harder to integrate the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart

Exalted: Taurus

The planet’s most powerful position; indicates ease and added fortune with using the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart

Fall: Scorpio

Opposite sign to the exalted position, can indicate struggles with utilizing the planet’s energy if placed here in the chart

What moon phase were you born under—new, full, quarter? Read about the 8 natal moon phases here


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