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Major Arcana

Updated: Jun 30

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana are the first 22 cards of your tarot deck. They represent larger universal themes and transformational lessons. In a reading, they point to significant developments that have the power to change your life.

Tarot, like astrology, has long been one of our favorite divination systems. Interpreting either takes practice. As you learn, we wanted to help you to quickly connect to the cards and use them in ways that are actionable and practical in every area of life. xoxo, Elizabeth

The Fool tarot card

What does The Fool tarot card mean?

Take a leap of faith! When The Fool card pops up in a reading, you’re being called to follow your heart and go with the flow.

This major arcana card carries a message of carefree adventure.

The Fool tarot card:

  • suggests that you leap forward into action—even if you are accustomed to cautiously evaluating new opportunities before you make your move.

  • encourages you to keep an open mind and heart as you enter whatever new experiences and adventures await you.

The Fool Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Fool: Innocence, beginnings, adventure, spontaneity, originality, freedom

What does The Fool tarot card mean?

Take a leap of faith! When The Fool card pops up in a reading, you’re being called to follow your heart and go with the flow.

This major arcana card carries a message of carefree adventure.

The Fool tarot card:

  • suggests that you leap forward into action—even if you are accustomed to cautiously evaluating new opportunities before you make your move.

  • encourages you to keep an open mind and heart as you enter whatever new experiences and adventures await you.

The Fool Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Fool: Innocence, beginnings, adventure, spontaneity, originality, freedom

Yes or No: Yes

Zodiac Sign of The Fool: Aquarius

Planet of The Fool: Uranus

Element of The Fool: Air

What does The Fool card mean in a love reading?

The Fool often indicates the beginning of a new romantic adventure or a fresh chapter in an existing relationship.

Since The Fool is the card of novelty, get ready for a romantic experience that’s different than anything you’ve been through in the past. There’s a profound sense of possibility, and you may feel swept up in the excitement of the connection. This major arcana card encourages you to be open to exploration and willing to take risks in developing this connection.

What does The Fool tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

The Fool card encourages you to be adventurous and explore new possibilities for moneymaking and career expansion.

Have you been thinking about going after a new job or starting a business? The Fool arrives at an auspicious time.

The Fool encourages you to bring a “beginner’s mind” to old (and ongoing) projects that have lost their initial luster. See what happens if you approach tasks with a fresh perspective. But more often than not, The Fool card’s appearance means that you should keep your eyes open for something exciting and new.

The Magician tarot card

What does The Magician tarot card mean?

When The Magician tarot card appears in a reading, you have support to manifest your biggest desires. It means it’s time to meet the universe halfway—tap into your personal brand of magic and get into action.

This major arcana card is about converting potential energy into the kinetic.

The Magician tarot card:

  • reassures you that you can tap into a greater sense of confidence in yourself and your abilities.

  • signifies you’re on the verge of bringing your dreams into reality—and here’s your cue to channel Beyoncé and line up the elite backup dancers to support you in bringing it home!

Depending on where you are in the lunar cycle, you may consider trying some moon rituals to ensure the best manifesting flow.

What is The Magician zodiac sign?

The zodiac signs of The Magician are Gemini and Virgo

The Magician Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Magician:resourcefulness, creation, manifestation, ability

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of The Magician: Mercury

Element of The Magician: Air

What does The Magician card mean in a love reading?

The Magician tarot card usually refers to a whirlwind romance in a love reading.

It could be a romance you’re already in the midst of, or an exciting encounter that lies right around the corner. Whatever the case may be, The Magician carries the “big magic” energy of a Disney romance.

However, as you may have experienced in the past, the most exciting fairy tale moments are sometimes just that…a moment. While The Magician doesn’t necessarily mean that a romance can’t be healthy and long-lasting, stay alert for red flags or qualities that don’t quite sit right with you.


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What does The Magician tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

The Magician carries a theme of achievement and resourcefulness.

This tarot card is a positive sign in a reading about career, money, or finance. It signifies:

  • The opportunities you’ve been looking for are here (or on their way to you).

  • Strategic socializing is a wise move, helping you to be in the right place at the right time

  • Tapping into your intuition will help you recognize the abundance around you—and pick the right opportunities and resources (which is of great importance!)

It may take some digging to take full stock of the resources available to you. But be careful not to get stuck in analysis paralysis! You might find a nudge in the right direction in our career and money horoscopes.

The High Priestess tarot card

What does The High Priestess tarot card mean?

Like the watery zodiac sign Cancer, The High Priestess tarot card encourages you to look beneath the surface and listen to your intuition as you dive deeper.

This major arcana card reminds you that while things are not always as they seem, you can trust your intuition.

The High Priestess tarot card:

  • reassures you that in your heart you know what you need to do

  • encourages you to slow down and tune into your intuition—especially if you’re at a crossroads or feeling stuck

  • assures you that you can trust your inner knowing, even if it means temporarily pulling back from the action or leaving a situation that cannot currently be resolved

What is The High Priestess zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of The High Priestess is Cancer

The High Priestess Tarot Guide

Keywords for The High Priestess:Intuition, subconscious mind, divine feminine, mystery, sexuality, sensuality

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of The High Priestess: Moon

Element of The High Priestess: Water

What does The High Priestess card mean in a love reading?

The High Priestess is a patient, sensual card. It reminds you to slow down and trust your own process in this area of your life.

If you’ve been pushing ahead with limited results, stop forcing it. Turn your attention inward and examine your feelings, beliefs and limitations. The High Priestess gently guides you back “home” to yourself.

What does The High Priestess tarot card mean?

Like the watery zodiac sign Cancer, The High Priestess tarot card encourages you to look beneath the surface and listen to your intuition as you dive deeper.

This major arcana card reminds you that while things are not always as they seem, you can trust your intuition.

The High Priestess tarot card:

  • reassures you that in your heart you know what you need to do

  • encourages you to slow down and tune into your intuition—especially if you’re at a crossroads or feeling stuck

  • assures you that you can trust your inner knowing, even if it means temporarily pulling back from the action or leaving a situation that cannot currently be resolved

What is The High Priestess zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of The High Priestess is Cancer

The High Priestess Tarot Guide

Keywords for The High Priestess:Intuition, subconscious mind, divine feminine, mystery, sexuality, sensuality

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of The High Priestess: Moon

Element of The High Priestess: Water

What does The High Priestess card mean in a love reading?

The High Priestess is a patient, sensual card. It reminds you to slow down and trust your own process in this area of your life.

If you’ve been pushing ahead with limited results, stop forcing it. Turn your attention inward and examine your feelings, beliefs and limitations. The High Priestess gently guides you back “home” to yourself.

The High Priestess tarot card:

  • reminds you that sometimes what you need isn’t the same as what you want

  • encourages you to be honest and present with yourself and not attempt to force things that aren’t meant to be

What does The High Priestess tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

If you’re facing a big decision in your career, The High Priestess signals that you can trust your intuition in making your choice. While a pros and cons list can’t hurt, this decision is one best trusted to your gut, rather than pure logic. Visualization can help. Think about how you might feel in this situation in ten days, ten weeks and ten months. Will you still enjoy it when the proverbial bloom comes off the rose?

This card can also be a sign of an educational opportunity. Whether you’re considering going back to school, taking an online course, or meeting a potential mentor, the High Priestess indicates potential for expanding your knowledge.

The Empress tarot card

What does The Empress tarot card mean?

The Empress tarot card is the archetypal symbol for divine feminine energy and motherhood. Its meanings in this regard can be literal or metaphorical; it’s important to consider both interpretations in your reading.

This major arcana card is a strong indicator of pregnancy, although it could refer to a metaphorical birth, such as a new project, creative venture, or idea.

The Empress tarot card:

  • guides you to take on a nurturing role for a person or project

  • reminds you to embrace your creativity or connect with the natural word

  • advises you to nourish yourself and fill up your own cup

What is The Empress zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of The Empress is Taurus

The Empress Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Empress: Divine femininity, fertility, creativity, art, nature

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of The Empress:  Venus

Element of The Empress: Earth

What does The Empress card mean in a love reading?

In a love reading, the Empress carries a message of nurturing, receptivity to love and self-respect. While it feels wonderful to give, make sure you are simultaneously filling your own cup. Open yourself to the caring energy of those who love you. Perhaps you need a little “mothering” energy—or someone you love could use an extra dose of support. Just make sure you have healthy boundaries with your generosity, so you don’t “dethrone” yourself by become someone’s doormat.

Because this card’s meaning carries a connection to nature and a harmony with the world, it reminds you that your relationship with others is a reflection of your relationship with yourself. Take time for self-reflection and self-care.


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What does The Empress tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

The Empress in a career reading often points to the importance of nourishment, passion and creativity in your work. Where could you bring more “juice” to your efforts, perhaps through art, beauty and receiving the gifts of other people’s support?

If you’re already experiencing a renaissance, The Empress signals that you are in the right place in your current professional trajectory. If not, this card encourages you to be open to projects or professional pathways. Opportunities that feel lush, soulful and nurturing to your creativity are ones to seek out and prioritize!

In relation to money, The Empress is a sign to get creative in your search for financial abundance. Your nurturing gifts could turn into an earning opportunity. Be receptive, and also open about your unique gifts. Powerful people may open doors for you, once they know what you have to offer.

What does The Empress tarot card mean for health?

Pulled in a health reading, The Empress underscores the importance of quality self-care. This is a reminder to nurture yourself in ways that support your overall well being.

Because of its connection with the natural world, it can also be a call to look for more natural products and services in your self-care rituals. Explore holistic treatments that treat the root cause of a health issue rather than simply mitigating the symptoms.

The Empress Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

The Empress in a reversed position serves as a strong call to reconnect with its archetypal feminine qualities.

If this card appears in your reading in reverse, it’s bringing attention to the fact that you’ve lost touch with a feeling of nourishment and creativity in your life. Perhaps it’s time to revamp your diet, add in more supplements or have a general checkup.

The Emperor tarot card

What does The Emperor tarot card mean?

As the archetypal father card in the deck, The Emperor tarot card represents authority, leadership and structure.

This major arcana card refers to you, it signals that you are (or need to be) taking on a leadership (or fatherly) role somewhere important in your life.

The Emperor tarot card:

  • can be interpreted in the literal sense of providing for or protecting your family or loved ones, or being given a bigger position of authority in your workplace

  • when interpreted metaphorically, The Emperor tells of cultivating stability in life, especially through building strong structures of authority

What is The Emperor zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of The Emperor is Aries

The Emperor Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Emperor: Authority, structure, leadership, fatherhood

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of The Emperor: Mars

Element of The Emperor: Fire

What does The Emperor card mean in a love reading?

The Emperor brings a general message to bring stability and structure into your love life—or it may confirm that you’ve found a partner who you can build something with for the long-term.

Will this include the buzzy feelings of romance and “new relationship energy”? Perhaps, but that’s not where the real juice is here.

When this card appears in a love reading, it’s a sign of stability and commitment, which just might be what you’ve been craving.

The Emperor may represent a specific person who is in (or about to enter) your life. It may refer to an older person or someone who is well-established in their life.

The Emperor showing up in a love reading could represent a particular person, a sense of commitment, or both!


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What does The Emperor tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

The Emperor’s appearance is a fortunate sign in a career or money reading. You may be stepping into greater leadership or authority at work. Highly respected people are taking note of your work and you may soon enter—or be elevated in—their ranks.

Perhaps more than anything, The Emperor speaks to being in command. If you’re orbiting a new position of authority in your work, The Emperor signals that you are ready to grow confident in your leadership. Step forward and take charge!

And because The Emperor loves solid systems and structure, look for opportunities to strengthen your processes and team. What will help you stay on top of all the moving parts? Perhaps it’s time to delegate or become more of the manager than the hands-on worker.

What does The Emperor tarot card mean for health?

The Emperor’s penchant for structure stands out the most in the context of a health reading. Do you have a system in place for tracking your food and fitness? Consider this card a sign to create a routine—or level up the one you have, so it fits with your lifestyle. That way, you’ll actually make it to the gym!

While putting in the time and effort has its benefits, this major arcana card here tells you that you may be driving yourself too hard. Make time for rest and relaxation. Let your body recover and repair between workouts. Take the deprivation out of your diet. Healthy food can also be delicious.

See where you might embrace more of a feeling of flow in your life, and be willing to relax the reins of structure—at least a bit!

If you slipped into a toxic habit, however, The Emperor card brings a stern warning. You may need to have a zero-tolerance rule for substances, activities and foods that take you down a slippery slope. Discipline yourself, grasshopper!

The Emperor Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

When pulled in a reverse position, The Emperor’s shadow traits come up.

There’s nothing wrong with being in charge, of course. But authority can be taken to an extreme and cross the line into being domineering. Nobody likes a tyrant!

If this card might be referring to you—and yes, take a breath as you consider the possibility!—consider that you may need to pull back and let people around you step into their own power. They need to shine, too!

The Emperor reversed could also point to a domineering person in your life who needs to be put in check. When interacting with that person, be sure you keep a cool head. Do your best to maintain strong boundaries.

When this card isn’t referring to a particular person, in reverse it may speak to too much of a feeling of restriction in an area of your life. The amount of structure you have might be too much. See what you can do to change your situation!

Is The Emperor tarot card a yes or no?

The Emperor usually points to a yes in a yes or no reading.

The Hierophant tarot card

What does The Hierophant tarot card mean?

When The Hierophant tarot card pops up in your reading, your best course of action is to take a conventional approach to the situation. While there’s a time and place for charting your own course, this isn’t it.

This major arcana card is about understanding that there’s value in pre-existing thought, beliefs, and systems.

The Hierophant tarot card:

  • evokes a deep connection with spirituality, religion, and traditional values. The latter meaning is especially significant; if you’ve pulled this card, it’s telling you not to rock the boat.

  • Depending on the deck, The Hierophant may be referred to as The High Priest, The Pope, or The Teacher.

  • This major arcana card is the masculine analogue to The High Priestess.

What is The Hierophant zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of The Hierophant is Taurus

The Hierophant Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Hierophant:Spirituality, tradition, conformity, institutions

Yes or No: It depends—think of it as a “maybe.”

Planet of The Hierophant: Venus

Element of The Hierophant: Earth

What does The Hierophant card mean in a love reading?

The Hierophant is the major arcana card that symbolizes commitment. It carries a strong association with marriage, as well as the importance of bringing traditional (religious or otherwise) values to your relationships.

The Hierophant values integrity, customs and clear agreements. This card’s appearance may signal a need for you to clarify the nature of a certain relationship. Even if the status you land on is FWB or “open marriage,” the point is that you are on the same page, without question.

If you’re already in a relationship, The Hierophant may tell you that there’s more commitment around the corner for the two of you. If you’re unclear about what’s next, find a time to initiate a pragmatic discussion about the future.

If you’re single, this card signals a new relationship in the near future that emphasizes a shared set of values and beliefs

What does The Hierophant tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

On the subject of career and finances, The Hierophant reminds you of the importance of adhering to traditional structures and values. Strategic planning, wise money management and a focus on profitability are called for now.

The Hierophant tells you that it’s time to play it safe. Be cautious and, for now, take a conventional approach to your work and financial situation. It also encourages you to get back in tune with existing structures in your workplace. Before you can bend the rules, make sure you know them inside and out.

This isn’t the time to challenge authority or the existing hierarchy. The best way to solve problems is by working within the system.

What does The Hierophant tarot card mean for health?

When The Hierophant appears in this context, it’s wise to seek established medical convention and advice for any physical symptoms. 

If you’re experiencing a health challenge, avoid going down the WebMD or Google rabbit holes. Instead seek guidance from a qualified medical professional. Whether you work with a naturopath, functional medicine doctor or Western MD, you may need to run tests to diagnose the situation at hand.

If you are in emotional distress, The Hierophant speaks to the value of turning to religion or another spiritual system to restore your faith. Having a belief system—and perhaps a spiritual community—as an anchor can provide additional support as you move through a hard time.

The Lovers tarot card

What does The Lovers tarot card mean?

There’s no more auspicious card to see in a romantic reading than The Lovers!

Beyond an amorous theme, this major arcana card points to beautiful, soul-level connections emerging in your life.

The Lovers tarot card:

  • indicates a harmonious and pleasing energy in relationships

  • carries a positive meaning in other areas, such as career

  • signifies a supportive alignment of values between you and the situation you’re wanting to create

The Lovers can also speak to the existence of an important choice that you’re facing. This decision is usually one between mutually exclusive options; you have to pick one or the other. Be sure to give both careful consideration.

What is The Lovers zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of The Lovers is Libra

The Lovers Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Lovers: love, partnership, relationships, harmony, aligned values

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of The Lovers: Venus

Element of The Lovers: Air

What does The Lovers card mean in a love reading?

Sweet, sweet love! When this card pops up in a love reading, a soul-level connection is on its way to you—or that it is already here.

The Lovers card encourages you to generate more romance in your life. This is not the kind of attraction that is fraught with anxiety or turbulence. This card indicated potential to form a deep connection of kindred spirits in harmonious existence together.

If you’ve been feeling on edge about relationships, you can take the appearance of The Lovers as a sign to relax and feel assured that there’s beautiful, connecting harmony coming. Take a breath and have faith! If you’ve been working too hard, stop and give people a chance to come toward you.

If you’re at a crossroads, an important decision lies ahead and it’s time to deal…gently. The time has come to choose what is best for you, even if you have to let someone down or leave a situation that has lost its spark. Remember: Letting go of an old way of life can open the door to exciting romantic possibilities!

What does The Lovers tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

This major arcana card’s message of harmonious partnership carries over into a career reading.

If an opportunity has arisen for a promising professional collaboration, The Lovers card indicates that this is likely to be mutually beneficial. Move forward with negotiations and be sure to spell out all the terms clearly so you both know what you’re stepping into. A written contract is the best insurance for long-term affinity and success.

It’s possible you might be facing an important choice in your career or financial picture. If this message resonates with you, The Lovers tells you to make the decision based on the values you hold dear.

This card carries a message of shared values and alignment. It reminds you that it’s important for you to experience this feeling of harmony in these parts of your life, too.

What to do with this information

Venus is the planet that rules both love and money—and its energy syncs with The Lovers card. Our course The Venus Code can support you in understanding your own romantic needs and tendencies. You can get access to this course at a discounted price as part of our Cosmic Code bundle.

What does The Lovers tarot card mean for health?

As a health and wellness card, The Lovers may indicate an important choice that needs to be made to keep body, mind and spirit in balance. Is it time to enlist a workout buddy or a trainer? Pair up for motivation and you’ll have an easier time staying on track with your commitment to vitality.

You may be in a situation where you need to decide what really matters to you. When it comes to health and wellness, it’s hard sometimes to not look at what other people believe and do. This is especially true in the current culture that continues to uphold narrow standards around weight, race and beauty. Those observations can turn into self-judgment and blame super fast. As the expression goes, “when you compare, you despair.” The Lovers is a reminder to be the best you and surround yourself with affirming people.

Whatever is going on with respect to your health, The Lovers remind you: When you know what you value and believe in, take action in alignment with those principles to be at your best.

The Lovers Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

This card in an upright position speaks to harmony. When pulled in reverse, The Lovers indicates conflict and misalignment.

In a love reading, it can indicate discord in a relationship. As with its general upright meaning, remember that you have a choice in how to proceed with the situation. Stay in alignment with your values.

The Chariot tarot

What does The Chariot tarot card mean?

The Chariot is a card about action. When it appears in your reading, it’s a positive sign for your determination and willpower. It’s go time!

While this major arcana card’s appearance doesn’t necessarily mean that things will be easy, or that there won’t be obstacles in your path, it tells you that you have the drive to persevere and achieve your goals.

Now’s not the time to kick back or procrastinate. Harness your willpower and confidently move into action. You have what it takes to be successful.

What is The Chariot zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of The Chariot is Cancer

The Chariot Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Chariot: Control, willpower, self-discipline, determination, hard work

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of The Chariot: Moon

Element of The Chariot: Water

What does The Chariot card mean in a love reading?

The Chariot can be a tricky card to interpret in a love reading.

While it’s a positive sign in terms of determination and willingness to put in the work, not all relationship challenges can be addressed by ratcheting up the effort. The Chariot can even speak to control issues as an ongoing theme. So if you’re trying too hard—and getting little in return for the effort—pull the emergency brake!

If you’re in a relationship that is characterized by feelings of anxiety and pressure, The Chariot’s meaning probably points to those struggles. You’ll want to find ways to relieve that tension, rather than throwing more effort into the situation. Turn in a new direction and give this relationship some time. Perhaps it will get up to speed—or you’ll discover something even better.

In other situations, The Chariot can bring a more positive interpretation. It speaks to a determination to move forward through a challenging situation. Communication is essential here, so no riding on assumptions! Ask the questions you need answered so that you can move ahead…or just move on.


Learn how to read your birth chart and get to know each planet in it! Enjoy this insightful, fun, and self-paced course and discover WHY you're the person you are and how to direct your natural gifts and strengths.


What does The Chariot tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

This major arcana card is an encouraging one to see in a career or money reading.

Since The Chariot is associated with willpower and determination, your drive and motivation will take you far now. If you’re up for a promotion or taking on a big project, you can trust that your efforts will pay off in a big way.

Get ready to move forward with confidence! But do keep in mind, as with this card’s general meaning, that it might not be smooth sailing. Challenges may arise along the way. Still, you have it in you to make this happen, so don’t let the detours sap your motivation!

What does The Chariot tarot card mean for health?

If health issues have been a theme for you, The Chariot advises to face the situation head on and assertively.

That doesn’t necessarily mean you can expect a short-term resolution, unfortunately. But it does tell you that this is a situation you are equipped to handle. Be kind and compassionate to yourself as you deal with the journey of recovery. Be willing to take control and gather the resources and tools you need.

Are you ready to start a new fitness regime—and maybe clean up your eating while you’re at it? The Chariot is an inspiring card, reminding you that this can be a fun adventure! Forget “no pain, no gain” and look for classes that are upbeat and recipes that taste amazing while filling you up with the right fuel.

What to do with this information

The Chariot is associated with the moon. Our course The Lunar Code can help you channel that energy as you work through issues. You can get access to this course at a discounted price as part of our Cosmic Code bundle.

The Chariot Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

When pulled in a reversed position, The Chariot can represent either your internal state or the situation you’re dealing with.

In the first case, it suggests that the challenges you’re facing feel like too much to handle. You’re feeling powerless and out of control amidst obstacles. Determination may start to wane, if it’s not already gone. If that’s the case, The Chariot encourages you to regain control of the situation. How can you get your hands back on the wheel? Even one small action can get you back in gear.

Is The Chariot tarot card a yes or no?

The Chariot comes through in a yes or no reading as a yes, provided you’re willing to follow through and channel the determination it represents.

About The Author

Elizabeth, affectionately known as Elle, is 

the force behind Elle’s Little Shop of Oils. An accomplished Reiki Master, tarot reader, and astrologist, she crafts divine candles and essential oils. Elle’s products are all about wellness and a splash of magic. 

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