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Your Big 3: Sun, Moon + Rising Sign

Your Sun sign (AKA your zodiac sign) is the essence of who you are. But there’s so much more! Your moon sign reveals your emotional blueprint while your rising sign shows the first impression you make.

Your Sun sign explains why you are the person you are.

Great ball of fire! The bold, bright Sun is at the center of our solar system and is central to the forecast for your horoscope.

The Sun represents the essence of your personality. Here is everything you need to know about the Sun.

What the Sun means in astrology

What is the special light that you shine into the world? The Sun’s heat and energy radiates outward, warming all the planets. Without the Sun at the center of our solar system, there would be no life for us Earthlings. Symbolically, astrologers view the Sun quite the same way: Its position in the zodiac is central to your personality.

According to some astrologers, the Sun is the associated with the father and masculine figures. How well do you relate to your dad or the authority figures in your life? Historically, indigenous people have prayed to “Father Sky,” pointing heavenward. Whether this resonates for you or not, the Sun reveals your leadership style and gives clues about how you deal with authority.

What does the Sun mean in your birth chart?

How you express yourself outwardly is greatly revealed through your Sun sign. El Sol can influence everything from wardrobe to social style, and even career path. As your astrological energy source, your Sun sign can reveal places to draw your strength, confidence and creative expression from. 

What kind of fuel do you burn? Where do your passions lie? This heavenly body inspires humans to produce great, historical works; to garner applause and earn our bragging rights. But the pride ego and the ego are also the Sun’s domain. When imbalanced, those beams can produce arrogance, swagger or a mask of false confidence. 

Is your Sun sign your overall sign?

Your Sun sign is considered your “main sign” and it’s the forecast you read on websites and in newspapers. The Sun changes zodiac signs approximately every thirty days, so people born in these clusters will share a Sun sign and many basic personality traits. For example, those born between November 21 and December 21 will have a Sagittarius Sun. 

How does the Sun mean in your birth chart?

Whatever zodiac sign and house the Sun was orbiting through (from our vantage point here on Earth) at your time of birth determines your natal Sun or Sun sign. More specifically, this will guide you in the following ways:

  • Self-expression: How do you shine to the world? What color is your parachute?

  • Creativity: What ways do you like to be creative and playful?

  • Passion: What are you passionate about pursuing or expressing?

  • Pride: Where do you get tripped up by your ego?

  • Leadership style: What kind of a leader or boss are you?

  • Energy source: What lights you up and energizes you?

  • Authority: How do you deal with people in charge and how comfortable are you with your own authority?

  • Attention: How much attention do you like—and what lengths will you go to get it?

The moon orbits through all twelve zodiac signs in a 29.5 day lunar month, spending 2.5 days in each zodiac sign before moving on to the next. This is one of the key differentiators of people born under the same Sun sign. Since a friend whose birthday is three days before or after yours will already have a different moon sign, your emotional temperaments will differ notably.

What does the Sun influence in astrology?

This heavenly body inspires humans to produce great, historical works; to garner applause and earn our bragging rights. But the ego is also the Sun’s domain. When imbalanced, those beams can produce arrogance, swagger or a mask of false confidence. That’s why it’s so helpful to learn about the other planets in your chart. The Sun reveals our core instincts, but doesn’t say much about our hidden desires or soul urges. (Look to the moon, Neptune and Pluto for more on those).

The moon sign reveals your emotions, soul and desires.

Security check! The moon shows what you need in order to feel “at home” in the world and in your relationships.

Here is everything you need to know about the moon in astrology.

What does the Moon represent in astrology?

In astrology, la luna depicts the emotional forecast for your horoscope.

The ever-shifting moon has a powerful influence on planet Earth. It directs the tides and stabilizes our climate by regulating the wobble of the Earth on its axis.

The moon plays a similar role in astrology, directing the flow of our emotions and our internal temperatures. Someone with an Aries moon, for example, may heat up quickly, while a Scorpio moon is like an active volcano—their feelings simmering below the surface until they suddenly erupt!

Is your Moon sign important?

The moon changes signs every 2.5 days, transiting through all 12 zodiac signs in 27.5 days. Our changeable moods are governed by Luna—the Roman goddess who represents the moon. The moon is often thought of as the counterpart to the Sun: el Sol is expressive while la luna is receptive.

The Sun’s energy radiates outward, while the moon processes all that heat and energy coming our way. What pushes your buttons? Where are you most sensitive? And how much emotion do you reveal? A measured Capricorn moon may view feelings as something to be controlled, while a compassionate Pisces moon may have #NoFilter, and weep openly at a moment’s notice.

Do you need a lot of verbal reassurance (Scorpio moon) or do you feel loved when people encourage us to take risks and shine (Leo moon)? Can you be comfortable with home on the road (Sagittarius moon) or do you require a well-appointed sanctuary (Cancer moon)? Even the way you save money or build a nest eggcan be revealed by the moon’s position in your chart.

Because the moon changes so rapidly, it’s important to know your exact time of birth in order to know your moon sign

What does the Moon mean in your birth chart?

Just as the ever-changing moon directs the tides, its placement in our charts dictates the more fluid, emotional sides of our nature. Yes, you’re going to take everything personally in this area of life! Feelings and facts are one and the same where this heavenly body is concerned. Given this heightened sensitivity, your moon sign also shows the ways that you are intuitive and empathetic. 

Many astrologers interpret your moon sign as an indicator of the relationship you will have with your biological mother. Regardless of whether this resonates for you or not, la luna is the celestial security blanket. What do you need to feel safe in the world? How do you nurture yourself with self-care, sleep, food and all the things a mother figure would oversee? Your moon sign also tells a lot about your relationship to family and even what may have triggered you as a kid.

All about your Moon sign or natal moon

Whatever zodiac sign and house the moon was orbiting through at your time of birth determines your “natal moon” or “moon sign.” More specifically, this will guide you in the following ways:

  • Emotions: How you react to situations and your inner temperament

  • Desire: What you crave in order to feel emotionally fulfilled

  • Sanctuary: How you set up your home, what and who makes you feel “at home”

  • Nurturing: How you care for yourself and others

  • Family relationships: How you interact with your relatives, especially your mother figure

  • Childhood issues: Early wounds, karmic triggers that you brought in from past lives

  • Intuition: How readily you pick up on unspoken cues and “body language”

  • Security: What makes you feel safe; what you need to feel like it’s all taken care of

The moon orbits through all twelve zodiac signs in a 29.5 day lunar month, spending 2.5 days in each zodiac sign before moving on to the next. This is one of the key differentiators of people born under the same Sun sign. Since a friend whose birthday is three days before or after yours will already have a different moon sign, your emotional temperaments will differ notably.

Your ascendant reveals the energy you give off at first.

What do others see in YOU? Your rising sign is the first impression you make.

Your rising sign, or ascendant, colors your appearance, attitude and demeanor.

The meaning of the Rising Sign in astrology

In astrology, your rising sign colors the first impression that you make—everything from your appearance to your attitude and demeanor. Are you warm and welcoming, or reserved and a little awkward? Do you prefer bold colors and bling, or are you most comfortable in an Armani suit? All of these factors can be easily pinpointed by the rising sign in your chart.

If people always peg you for a sign other than your own, don’t be surprised to discover that it’s actually because of your rising sign. You can also think of your rising sign as a “filter” or a “tint.” If your Sun sign made you blue, your rising sign determines whether you’re a powder blue, a bright cornflower or a dark navy. 

The rising sign changes approximately every two hours, so you need to know your time of birth to get an accurate answer. Some birth certificates unfortunately don’t list time of birth, so you may need to rely on a parent’s memory or have a professional astrologer “reconstruct” your chart and make their best guess for your rising sign.

About The Author

Elizabeth, affectionately known as Elle, is the the force behind Elle’s Little Shop of Oils. An astrologist, tarot reader, and Reiki master, she crafts divine candles and essential oils. Elle’s products are all about wellness and a splash of magic.

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