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Today's Aries Horoscope for June 29, 2024 - June 30, 2024

Pause and process, Aries. On Saturday, sober Saturn flips into its annual five-month retrograde, retreating through your reflective twelfth house of endings and healing. You'll need more space to be alone with your thoughts between now and November 15. Are you halting your own progress by fixating on the past? With Saturn backing up through your sector of closure and forgiveness, work harder to let go of toxic energy—and grudges. Examine your personal history and identify any bad habits you need to break. A healer or therapist can help you release negative energy, and with master teacher Saturn in reverse, support from the pros will expedite the process. The moon is in Aries on Saturday too, ideal for taking time for yourself. On Sunday, la luna shifts into Taurus and squares off with Pluto. Be extra careful about loaning and borrowing money among friends. If you split the brunch check, don’t be petty about how it’s divided up. That said, if you’re having a dry weekend and your crew is in bottomless mimosa mode, maybe you should meet up another time.

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