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Today's Virgo Horoscope for June 29, 2024 - June 30, 2024

Your closest relationships get an audit starting Saturday as restrictive Saturn flips into retrograde until November 15, backing up through Pisces and your seventh house of duos. In all of your important bonds, open up more honest lines of communication as you find a way to balance responsibilities. Saturn's backspin can mute your sense of humor, so try not to take things so seriously! A former partner might return to the picture, or you could sign a contract with a collaborator from your past. While some agreements may seem a little TOO thorough, sorting the particulars now will keep everyone happy for the long run. It’s a great weekend to negotiate the terms of that. With the moon in Aries and your obsessive eighth house on Saturday, you could be a little too fussy, fixating on details the way only a Virgo can. But once la luna glides into Taurus and your optimistic ninth house on Sunday, your perspective returns. Tap into that feeling of hope and purpose, and make this season of growth an adventure—for yourself and your relationships.

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