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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope July 2024

by The AstroTwins

Time to declutter your life, Aquarius! With the Sun in Cancer and your sixth house of work, efficiency and wellness until July 22, you’ve got cosmic support in curbing the excess and getting your summer renovations going, inside and out. Which part of your life needs a tune-up or an upgrade? Focus your efforts there this month. 

But don’t make it all drudgery and no play! Expansive Jupiter recently moved into your fun-loving and creative fifth house for the first time in 12 years, beginning a year-long transit that is breathing new life into your friendships, love life and self-expression. The past few weeks, since Jupiter’s May 25 move, could have been a whirlwind of social engagements and bursts of creativity that left little downtime to recalibrate.

With Cancer’s intuitive influence in the mix, enjoy some moments of quiet—in nature when possible. Silence and stillness will allow you to access your inner wisdom, that knowing voice that never steers you wrong. Ask your higher self things like: Where could I use more help and support? What skills do I need to acquire or polish up? What’s become frustrating, boring or stressful for me? (Feel free to do some journaling too.)

Let that be the foundation for more productive and sustainable practices around health, fitness and prioritizing. The sixth house rules the digestive system, so this IS the time to pay attention to your gut—literally! To help the process, get plenty of rest and eat light, energizing foods. Explore the options of a brief cleanse or adding probiotics to your daily regimen. Drink more water to stay hydrated and keep things flowing. Mammograms, colonoscopies, dental X-rays—if you’re behind on the likes of those, get them scheduled. 

Are you wearing way too many hats for one person? Look for ways you can delegate and outsource or just lighten the load of obligations that don’t inspire you. Not jazzed about being the treasurer for your community group? Sick of organizing one more bachelorette blowout? Pass that baton to someone for whom this would be a fun opportunity. One person’s schedule clutter can be another’s delight! 

Simplification is the name of the game, especially with nebulous Neptune turning retrograde in Pisces and your second house of money and security on July 2 for its annual five-month reversal. Between now and December 7, plug the financial leaks in your life, whether you cancel a bunch of unused app subscriptions or set firm limits with an unfocused coworker who leaves you stuck working late. With mystical Neptune here, check the Feng Shui of money-related areas of your home. Adding some houseplants or decluttering might just open up blocked channels of abundance. Try it all!

On a deeper level, with Neptune now joining Saturn and Pluto in the outer planet retrograde brigade through December 7, you might be reexamining the hold that money and wealth have on your life choices. Have you been paying too much for your comfort? How has status or power guided your motivations and sense of self-worth? Are you sacrificing your individuality for yet another paycheck? Neptune’s retrograde can help roll back the fog on where you might have been inadvertently going along with everyone else’s dreams, unearthing ideas and inspiration more in line with your personal vision.

On July 5, the Cancer new moon arrives in close lockstep with Neptune’s retrograde, a great occasion to start any life-improvement undertaking and to streamline your systems. Invest in gadgets or start new habits that make your life run more efficiently. Is it time to delegate a few items to a capable service provider? Begin by outsourcing your least favorite tasks, the ones that suck up hours of your week figuring out or tempting you to procrastinate and avoid them. Thinking of adopting a furry critter? Pets are ruled by the sixth house, and this new moon could lead you to your animal soul companion. 

Seeds planted at this new moon in Cancer will bloom over the next six months. For career-minded Water Bearers, this new moon could herald a new professional path. Whether that’s an opportunity for a new job or to switch teams at your existing company, this new moon can help you swap your current role for something more aligned with your interests. Eager to pay it forward? Explore volunteering or mentorship opportunities for a well-rounded life.

In some way, you’re feeling restlessness at a root level, ready to make dramatic changes to your lifestyle. By the time assertive Mars and rebellious Uranus (your ruler) link up in Taurus and your personal fourth house on July 15, you’ll be itching to make some big moves, perhaps to your living situation or private life. While this isn’t the first time this combustible cosmic duo met up in your domestic zone—they also came together in August 2022—this will be the last time they meet up in Taurus in our lifetime, making this a significant turning point. 

With Uranus in your sign helping you break through internalized conventional social programming over the last few years (2018–26), you might feel eager to break from the herd and explore different pastures. You could be entertaining changes like starting (or expanding) a family or home ownership, or pondering where (and if) you might want to put down roots. For unconventional Aquarians, that could look like a child-free existence and an Airstream, or adoption and living in a cooperative or intentional community. There’s truly no template for your happiness—except having the freedom to write your own rules.

At this midmonth Mars-Uranus meetup, pressure on the home front could catalyze a sudden shift: anything from an unexpected move to a major kitchen renovation to a brand-new cast of roommates. Your mother or a female relative could also play into events. While Mars in Taurus is ordinarily slow, steady and deliberate, this meetup with shocking Uranus can make you act like a teenager breaking curfew, possibly resulting in a stubborn standoff with loved ones who resist your burgeoning independence.

Be careful not to make too many rash moves, though, because this cosmic duo is impulsive and destabilizing. By the time energizing Mars joins Jupiter in social Gemini and your fun-loving fifth house on July 20, you’ll feel more confident about those big, bold brushstrokes. Lean in to your curiosity and sign up for something new, like one of the trendy supper club meetups where you share intimate dinners with strangers. You could stumble upon an idea or meet someone who revolutionizes your whole mindset—especially when Mars forms a catalyzing trine to transformational Pluto in Aquarius on June 21, in sync with the full moon.

With the help and hype of enthusiastic Jupiter, excitable Mars now picks up speed, bouncing between ideas and social gatherings. Mars in Gemini encourages communication and spontaneity while Pluto in Aquarius unveils your signature style, helping you put your stamp on everything. Allow your whimsical and childlike side to guide. For example, you could trade your usual car or train commute for a scenic bike ride to get those creative juices flowing.

Amid the uptick of social events, the July 21 Capricorn full moon offers a needed moment to turn inward and process all the emotions that have built up without you noticing. This is the second of a rare duo back-to-back full moons taking place this summer in your twelfth house of rest, release and escape. The first Capricorn full moon was on June 21. Consider this the second act to events that may have transpired then. 

This month’s full moon could be a powerful healing day but also a time for necessary closure. This realm rules endings and hidden agendas, and the full moon could expose a deal breaker or give you the courage to leave a painful situation. If you've been trying to force and control a situation (to no avail), surrender and let the universe co-pilot. 

On a spiritual level, the double bonanza of Capricorn full moons in your twelfth house of attachments helps you recognize deep-rooted expectations around duty and responsibilities. Are you running the show, or are your parents’ words still echoing in the present? You might realize ways that you’re playing out old dynamics in your current reality.

Your attention turns to your most important partners and collaborators when the Sun enters Leo on July 22, heating up your committed-relationship house. Think “we” instead of just “me” and find synergy by working together, an Aquarian specialty. If your efforts to promote unity meet resistance, stop pushing. This is a time to go with the flow rather than swim upstream. The Sun is at its farthest point in the sky from your zodiac sign from now until August 22, so your energy and “solar power” may feel depleted. Approach any changes you want to make like a marathon, not a sprint. Forge alliances or, if necessary, hire skilled people to support you if you’re struggling to get past the finish line solo.

A word of caution: Leo season kicks off with a bang when calculating Pluto, which is in Aquarius and your first house of self, forms its annual opposition to the Sun on July 23, bringing the drama. You may feel deeply at odds with someone, irritated by their every tic and quirk. If that happens, look inward: Shadowy Pluto can cause you to project your own issues onto other people. 

Before you lash out at your partner or a colleague, do a little soul-searching to pinpoint what's REALLY bugging you. Chances are, this person is mirroring (and magnifying) some part of yourself that you've rejected or disowned. The Sun-Pluto face-off can make people particularly vicious. If you're tempted to go for the jugular, catch yourself before you do permanent damage to this bond. While things can feel tense with this opposition, Pluto ultimately offers an opportunity to reconcile old wounds and pave the way for more balanced partnership and a healthier line of communication.

As an Aquarius, you naturally attract colorful and innovative personality types into your orbit that can, at times, mask your own inherent radiance. Starting July 26 and lasting until December 29, "wounded healer" Chiron will be retrograde (backward) in Aries and your communication house. 

Old insecurities could flare up around expressing yourself. Maybe you find yourself tongue-tied at a meeting or flustered when someone wants to move past small talk. You might realize that way too many of your conversations are stuck at the superficial level or center around complaining. Whatever the case, this is an ideal cycle to practice speaking from the heart, even if your voice shakes a little when you do. Do you know how brilliant you are, Aquarius? Healing Chiron is ultimatel here to help you remember

The month starts off on a responsible note with romantic Venus ensconced in Cancer, glowing into your sixth house of good clean fun and healthy living until July 11. Couples may be inspired to tackle a shared wellness goal during this transit, or join a pickleball league together or sign up for the 5K at the town beach. You might even bond over more quotidian activities, like hammering out a Q3 budget or organizing reams of paperwork. 

Single? Slow down instead of rushing. Linger over a post-workout smoothie—and chat with the person on the next stool. Online, keep your pessimism in check. With Venus in this critical zone, you may be unfairly down on your dates or matches, fixating on their every flaw (We pity the fool who tries to woo you with emojis or choppy grammar!) 

With motivated Mars in steady Taurus and your domestic quarters until July 20, you could be planted at Chateau Aquarius and dialed into your already tender emotions. Mars here can accelerate the timeline to move in together, get pregnant or meet each other's families. For longtime couples, it's a chance to talk about a real estate investment, family plans or to entertain together at home. 

On the flip side, Mars can turn up the tension—crescendoing midmonth when the red planet meets up with freedom-loving Uranus in a combustible July 15 cocktail. If you find yourself fighting and bickering more than usual, dress up and get out of the house or, to ground yourself, get a good workout in. It’s time to break out of stagnant patterns and get real about your emotions. But those don’t have to be expressed as an argument.

On July 20, lusty Mars moves into Gemini and your passionate fifth house. This is a time for fun and exploration. You’ll be everyone’s favorite reference with the cosmic coquette playing Cupid in this flirty, frisky zone. Ready for your own CharliXCX-inspired Brat summer, Aquarius? Follow the pop star’s lime-green permission slip: Get a tattoo for no good reason, blurt out your feelings at an awkward moment and, above all, own every choice you make, good and bad! 

For partnered Water Bearers, it’s a time to bring more spirited, joyful energy into your relationship and turn up the heat. Book some dynamic date nights and fun activities that neither of you has tried before. During this Mars phase, the couple that plays together stays together.

When Leo season begins on July 22, the cosmos turns its spotlight on your partnership zone. This is a time to be decisive around commitments. If you’re feeling the love, take things to the next level! Maybe that looks like partnering up on a business venture with your S.O., moving in together or making plans to go official.

Single and seeking a long-term companion—or a steady playmate? Be specific about what you’re looking for because the universe has you in its matchmaking crosshairs, and the stars are aligned for you to meet that special person. With this cosmic combo of wit, charm and confidence, you won’t have trouble attracting prospects, so make the effort.


The Sun is in Cancer and your sixth house of organization and productivity until July 22, a great time to get your work life in shape. Pay attention to the details and check everything twice. Little touches go a long way in helping you stand out. Be meticulous with budgets, timelines and anything you put in writing. 

Less is more now, so before you dive into a project, make sure you have a proper plan and, if necessary, the right support team. Delegate to them instead of trying to do it all yourself. This zodiac zone rules helpful people, so put out the call for a wingperson with the ideal skill set.

The Cancer new moon on July 5 in your work-focused sixth house could usher in a fresh start around your current schedule and even your job status—whether that’s switching teams to better suit your interests or moving over to a competitor’s company. Expect developments to unfold by the Cancer full moon in January 2025.

When the Sun moves into Leo on July 22, partnerships take priority. No need to do it all by yourself, Aquarius. You could forge a dynamic duo with someone whose skills complement yours to a tee or ponder joining forces. With Mars moving into curious Gemini and your self-expressive fifth house from July 20 through September 4, lean in to your creativity and curiosity as you explore potential business collaborations that can align your passion with your purpose.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Very informative, thanks for taking the time to provide some insight on what this month brings to my life at this present moment in time. You are greatly appreciated in abundance 🙏 you have my deepest gratitude as well as my loyalty.

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