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Weekly Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

Weekly Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

What’s this week’s horoscope forecast for your zodiac sign? The AstroTwins’ weekly horoscopes reveal what the planets have in store and how to use astrology to navigate the week ahead.

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Read this Week’s Horoscope Overview

From July 12 to July 18

The Sun and Saturn team up to support heart-centered leadership on Wednesday, July 10.

You CAN get things done without being brusque or domineering, at least early this week. Wednesday’s flowing Sun-Saturn trine in water signs calls for heart-centered leadership. Instead of stressing everyone out and barking orders, guide from a place of calm. Demonstrating genuine care for others' concerns is the most potent path to establishing your authority—and accomplishing your goals while making everyone feel that they are valued.

Feelings crescendo toward passion on Thursday, just as Venus prepares to move into Leo until August 4.

Misty-eyed moments abound early Thursday, as caring Venus (in its last hours in Cancer) and sensitive Neptune unite in emotional water signs. This compassionate connection can crumble the toughest walls between people, but it can also make you a little too impressionable. Strengthen your screening process to ensure that undeserving or deceptive people don’t slip past the gates. If you’re normally the “stiff upper lip” kind of person, this is a beautiful day to lower your guard and make genuine connections.

Later on Thursday, pack away the tissue box and put on your dancing shoes!

A couple hours after the emotional Venus-Neptune connection, the love planet struts into playful, passionate Leo for a month, taking your love life from mild to wild! Get ready for a wave of glamour, with eye-popping visuals, colossal courtships and bold declarations of devotion. Unlike last summer, Venus won’t be retrograde in Leo, so enjoy the extended fireworks display of this sultry, saucy season! Got a talent to trot out? Get thee to an outdoor stage or a vivacious venue where the fans can gather in appreciation.

Friday’s Venus-Pluto opposition could churn up stormy interactions and expose secrets.

Pause before you pull the alarm! As Venus in passionate Leo opposes vengeful Pluto, you could overreact to something that looks like a betrayal. While this cosmic mashup can aggravate trust issues, things may not be as they seem. Don’t ignore the evidence of behavior that seems “off” (like a mystery text or open chat window) but start with a conversation before full-on snooping. Think “detective,” not “FBI interrogation.” If you’re just getting to know someone, pay attention to red flags and leave any situation where you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. Did someone’s profile raise suspicion on an app? Don’t ignore your intuition. Report and block anyone who seems outright inappropriate.

Saturday’s waxing quarter moon in Libra lights a path to peace.

It’s time to face the music—or the conflict you’ve been avoiding. Dealing with the drama is paramount to moving on or making strides, so take a deep breath and prepare for potentially unpleasant conversations. The waxing quarter moon in Libra, the most balanced and strategic of the signs, will help you navigate any sticky spots

Weekly Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign


If you feel tired and wired at the same time early this week, there’s a cosmic reason behind it. The Sun is on a lowkey trek through slow-jamming Cancer and your sensitive fourth house and this Wednesday, July 10, it teams up with deliberate Saturn in Pisces and your restful twelfth. Part of you is eager to get rolling on a project around the house or with your personal brand. Another side of you would be happy to let all such initiatives follow their own natural course.

One way to break this logjam is to dive beneath the surface and get a handle on your own deeper motivation. Are you being cagey about what you really want? Sometimes it’s hard to peel back layers on our own psyches. So try this: Instead of taking decisive action, play the role of observer. When your mind starts to wander, tune in to what you're doing and especially what you’re thinking. Remind yourself that this is not the last—or only—such opportunity you'll get. The trick at this point might be shifting out of a scarcity mindset and into one of abundance.

Your weekly horoscope, continued

Early Thursday brings a soulful sync-up of whimsical Venus and imaginative Neptune in your most chill outposts. Don't be too ambitious with your morning plans: You'll be happiest huddling with your work wife or a creative partner to develop a budding idea. If you have time off, keep your agenda loose. Have breakfast at a sweet outdoor café or do some window shopping. It doesn't matter what you get[LS1]  up to; as long as you feel relaxed and you both relish comfortable silence, you can't go wrong.

Also on Thursday, stylista Venus commences her annual catwalk through confident Leo and your flirtatious fifth house until August 4. You may feel lucky in love for a very good reason: These are a highly auspicious few weeks! So what’s the goal here, Ram? Are you looking for a summer fling, a casual companion—or are you holding out for someone with long-term potential? And if you’re attached, what are some next steps that would make your heart skip a beat?

Whatever it is, remember that underlying all of these options is the necessity of self-love. Practice doing things that make YOU happy, whether that’s making art, being physically active or interacting with the kids in your life. Speaking of THAT, this is a fertile cycle, so if you have babies on the brain, get serious about trying to make that happen!


This Wednesday, July 10, stop to assess your current social connections. Who are the people you devote most of your time to? How are they shaping your behavior, attitudes and results? Thanks to a supportive trine between the passionate Sun and reliable Saturn you'll have the discernment AND the communication skills to tweak any relationships that have gotten wobbly. Are you currently recruiting new candidates for Team Toro? You won’t need to talk anyone into joining that squad. Between your vision and innate charisma, the right people will be magnetically drawn to YOU. If you’re working on a collaborative project, make sure everyone is pulling their weight and that you aren’t taking on more work than you should. Whatever way Wednesday unfolds, the evening is perfect for gathering some of your favorite folks for a group dinner, trivia night or just a wine-and-pizza-fueled meeting of the minds.

On Thursday, you may feel like a hummingbird buzzing from flower to flower. Amiable Venus in your social sector teams up with dreamy Neptune in your collaborative eleventh house. More will be merrier and mightier, especially if you have a world-bettering idea you need to put a little more muscle behind. It doesn't have to be heavy, though. Gather your squad for a "working brunch" in which you invite people to share THEIR thoughts about how to best get this idea up and running Also on Thursday, beautifying Venus, your ruler, leaves Cancer and temporarily relocates to creative Leo and your foundational fourth house until August 4. Home and hearth will be top of mind, and thoughts may naturally gravitate toward some degree of “domestic makeover.” Stock the fridge and pantry with healthy and hearty fare (and yes, a few fun treats) since you may be entertaining more than usual. Look to Pinterest and your favorite decor and food blogs for inspo.

And lean into Venus’s romantic prowess! You probably won’t have to twist bae’s arm to stay in for movie nights under the AC. Single? Keep expectations low and make going out about having fun instead putting pressure on yourself to meet someone serious. When you’re relaxed, you’re more comfortable, which is a very good look for you, Taurus! Your closest friends might do a better job at playing matchmaker than any dating app algorithm. Let them know you wouldn’t mind if they fixed you up with some “qualified leads.”


If you feel like you’re losing your enthusiasm for your work, fear not, Twin. Wednesday’s stars send a wakeup call to your professional ambition as the Sun in your security-driven second house unites with Saturn, the planet of long-range planning. You might feel like you’re pinballing between go-go-GO and “Hang on a sec, there,” but that’s okay. El Sol will rev up your enthusiasm, and cautious Saturn has your back. Together their enthusiasm and pragmatism can actually take you far. There IS a happy balance between being passionate AND productive, and when you tap into it, you'll outrun the whole pack. But it’s not enough to have a big idea or motivation; you need staying power to motor through the most challenging aspects, which is exactly what Saturn has to offer. This is more like a marathon than a sprint, so conserve your energy and pace yourself.

And because both the Sun and Saturn can bring recognition or status, don’t be TOO modest about your goals. In fact, this is a great time to “hitch your wagon to a star,” and if you know an industry bigwig, strengthen your relationship by volunteering to help out on one of their pet projects. After all, what are a few hours of your time when what you’ll learn—and the connections you might forge—are priceless.

n Thursday, July 11, you might be inspired to find a new income source to fund your big plans. Lucky for you a supportive trine between luxurious Venus and inventive Neptune could unearth something you never dreamt of before. This merger could also help you weave more of your passion into your professional life—and make a profit. Since this trine happens in the final few hours of Venus in nurturing Cancer, someone from your inner circle could play a role in these developments. If you have an idea for a family business or think one of your besties would be the perfect partner for a venture, explore!

Also on Thursday, artful Venus relocates to Leo and your third house of communication until August 4. This short but potent transit can help you negotiate a sticky issue, bring a long-simmering feud to a close or inspire your next creative project. It’s your natural gift to see both sides of any argument—or all eight of ‘em—so if you can unhook from your ego getting bruised, this Venus transit will help you move on from something that’s been holding you back (or costing you energy).

You don’t have to be aggressive to be assertive, Gemini. The art of mediation involves striking the right balance between standing up for yourself and how to let the other party feel heard and empowered. And beyond that is the maturity to be comfortable disagreeing. For the rest of this month, your social life should be a buzzing hive of activity. If you’re looking for romance, keep an open mind about different types of people you’ll meet—especially those you once reflexively consigned to the “friend” category. They might prove the greatest surprise of all!


Careful where you swing that truth hammer this week, Cancer. You may be all fired up to give someone an unedited piece of your mind—which would certainly feel good in the moment. But is it worth burning any potential bridges over? Sure, you can fall back on the old “honesty is the best policy” rationale, but you need to be strategic, as the flashy Sun in your sign aligns with circumspect Saturn in your unfiltered ninth house. You might feel pulled in two directions, but censoring yourself could prove tricky. Before you stick your foot deep into your mouth, conjure a worst-case scenario. Even if your assumptions and assessments are accurate, your boss, bestie or bae probably won’t appreciate being confronted about their shortcomings.

You can always put everything in an email—that you never send—or vent to a close friend or sibling. This can get you out of the mental loop and release the negativity that’s building up. This “should I or shouldn’t I?” confusion may affect other areas this week as the Sun and Saturn team up, leaving you uncertain whether to hit the gas or the brake. You could also struggle to maintain momentum on something time-consuming. Rather than rely on caffeine, you may find it more helpful to stay focused on the greater goal—and the reward that awaits you when it’s done.


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Expect the VERY unexpected in the first part of the week. That goes double on Wednesday, when the radiance-boosting Sun in Cancer and your adventurous ninth house gets in formation with restrained Saturn in


You might struggle to stay in balance on Wednesday, July 10, as the intensifying Sun in Cancer aligns with restrained Saturn in Pisces. Your moods may be up and down like an amusement park ride—except except there’s nothing “amusing” about it! A roommate, relative or your S.O. might be taking advantage of your generosity, and the Sun is dialing up your righteous indignation. Meanwhile Saturn has you muzzled. Saying nothing will lead to nothing changing, but you might not be able to find the right words to express how you feel. So unlike you, Archer!

Here’s a radical thought: Focus less on how everyone’s feeling and more on the strategic outcome you’re trying to achieve. Call-out culture may be alive and kicking, but that’s no way to build bridges. When you feel yourself getting hot and bothered, take a few deep, slow breaths—or a literal timeout. (Even if you have to make up an excuse to step away.) When your heart rate returns to normal, look for a practical solution and refuse to waste precious hours stewing in your own juices. This could lead to the two of you coming up with a more workable system together. Even if you have to take a temporary break, it’ll save you endless frustration, possibly even heartache.


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Should you hit the gas or the brakes, Aquarius? Wednesday's stars are flashing yellow warning lights—AND green go-go-GO ones as well! Thanks to an edgy mashup of the flamboyant Sun and structured Saturn in Pisces and your second house of security and values, you may have to take a stand on something that involves your principles (or your money: yikes!).

While you COULD fade into the background and let a dodgy character run the show, it’s more like you to call forth your fighting spirit and stick up for what you believe in. And yet under this tricky stop/go energy, you need to read the tea leaves and be strategic about how you proceed. Since the first words out of your mouth will set the tone for the interaction, come up with something diplomatic. Once you get into your differences, be careful not to react from a place of raw emotion. Spell out why you see things differently, being specific. With a calm, cool demeanor, you might sway some folks over to YOUR side of the aisle.


Pump up the passion or dial it down? On Wednesday, July 10, the expressive Sun in the expressive Sun in Cancer and your artistic, romantic fifth house unites with deliberate Saturn in Pisces. Because these planets aren’t naturally in sync, this odd-couple mashup can leave you feeling tired and wired at the same time. Since you can't hit the gas (the Sun) and the brakes (Saturn) at the same time, you'll need to learn to work the gears separately—and pace yourself! While it might feel a little awkward at first, it's worth the effort as these planets' combined energies can help you put some valuable checks and balances into place.

For instance, if you’re tempted to sprint ahead on a personal mission, Saturn will encourage you to stop and envision what you're trying to accomplish. Are you SURE this is the route you want to follow? If it is, ask yourself these questions: What will it look like, what will you do AFTER you get there? And are you willing to assume the responsibilities that come with this victory? Only then you can lean into the Sun’s go-go energy and pull out all the stops!

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