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Weekly Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

Read this Week’s Horoscope


From July 22 to July 28

Brat summer energy continues to swell as the Sun enters Leo this Monday, July 22.

All the world’s a catwalk as the Sun struts into scene-stealing Leo for its yearly four-week show this Monday, July 22. This annual solar cycle is high season for all things glamorous, romantic and creative. Blow the dust off your neglected talents and get the band back together! Does your name belong in lights? Visualize the successful outcome, then start positioning your personal “brand” for that ascent. The universe responds to a show of confidence now. Start believing in yourself, even if it’s just the tiniest bit, and the Leo Sun will pour its life-force energy into your tanks until August 22. If you have a product to promote, add a final coat of high-gloss polish and schedule your big reveal. Try to stage it before Mercury turns retrograde on August 5.

Power struggles erupt with Tuesday’s Sun-Pluto opposition.

Touche! Power plays worthy of a Netflix historical drama could unfurl today, as the dominant Sun locks horns with tyrannical Pluto. Watch for veiled intimidation tactics. But even more so, “Beware the flatterer,” as the saying goes. With Pluto in charming Aquarius and the Sun in self-important Leo, an interloper could slither past your gates by buttering up your ego. Don’t hand out any VIP passes to your inner sanctum, whether that precious place is your heart or your intellectual property. At least, not until you truly know this person and their intentions! By the same token, catch yourself if you’re being overly guarded with someone who has genuinely earned your trust. Are you projecting old fears onto this situation? It could be hard, if not impossible, to tell. If your gut is telling you the vibe is off, better to be safe than sorry. You can always deal with this another day.

Simmer down (and prepare for the August retrograde!) when Mercury anchors in sensible Virgo from Thursday until August 14.

Mental Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo this Thursday, July 25, adding an air of efficiency to summer. With the communication planet in this healthy, organized sign, you can integrate some midsummer wellness practices into your regimen to balance out the Leo season debauchery. But don’t commit to anything too hardcore. This is the first of Mercury’s two voyages through Virgo this year, thanks to a retrograde that begins on August 5. Mercury will be in reversal until August 28, splitting its U-turn between Virgo and Leo. Some of your initiatives will be put on hold until Mercury returns to Virgo for a second trip this fall, on September 9. In the meantime, write things down, plan ahead and budget carefully. Back up your data and devices. This will help prevent any of the usual Mercury retrograde breakdowns with communication and technology.

“Wounded healer” Chiron spins retrograde from Friday until December 29.

Wounded healer Chiron slips into its annual retrograde today, backing up through self-aware Aries until December 29. During its journey through the Ram’s realm (2018–2027), the transformative comet is teaching us all lessons in self-empowerment and the constructive use of anger. If you’ve been feeling silenced, thwarted or resentful, this period provides an important window for introspection. Are you using the power of your voice to dominate others? If you’ve been playing a game of “the person who speaks the loudest wins,” switch your strategy to active listening, where the goal is to understand rather than respond. For those who feel perpetually talked over, this retrograde gets you closer to the core of any confidence issues that may be standing in the way of your self-expression.

Reconnect with your values during Sunday’s quarter moon in Taurus.

On Sunday, the grounding quarter moon in sensible yet sensual Taurus reminds you of your priorities and principles. Make sure you’re firmly rooted in those before making any important decisions. If your energy is scattered, get back to basics and cut the superfluous stuff. Less is more! No need to be overly austere though. Trim where things feel wasteful, knowing that you can reintroduce luxuries in more affordable doses. Repurpose, recycle or host a swap so you can lean into resource-conscious Taurus without sacrificing pleasure. This is a helpful day to look at your financial habits. If your lifestyle is creeping over budget or a project is sprawling past its scope, make a “money date” at a lovely cafe to review the data in a pleasurable setting.

Weekly Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign

From Aries to Pisces to every sign in between, get the weekly horoscope and astrology forecast for yourself and the people you care about.


Quick! Reserve that table at Nobu: Malibu. Starting this Monday, July 22, your name may soon carry more cachet than a Kardashian as the Sun sweeps into Leo and fires up your fifth house of fame, glamour and and romance until August 22. It’s prime time to get yourself on a stage, set, or podium. Enlist an Instagram spouse to film you spouting off wisdom while you skateboard to work or commanding a boardroom like Cookie Lyon. Even more lowkey Aries will find themselves drawing attention for the most basic of actions—zero effort required.

Even better? Thanks to the high-key maximalism of your fellow fire sign, Leo, style inspiration floods in, which will only make the camera love you ten-thousand times more. If you’re intent on anything more than a modest update—like, say, chopping inches off your hair or a microblading, get appointments on the books BEFORE Mercury spins retrograde from August 5 to 28.

Romantically, the Sun’s tour of Leo could spark a renaissance. While you prefer face-to-face chemistry, a little dabbling on the apps could bring some promising leads. You might get swept up in a scintillating storyline before the summer is over. No matter your relationship status, expect a few "dramatic arcs" over the coming four weeks. As the passion heats up, play it smart, Aries. Don’t instigate fights to keep things exciting or play too many cat and mouse games. Got babies on the brain…or maybe a creative brainchild? This fertile four-week phase could bring a pink “plus” sign on that test—or your own artistic awakening!


Summer’s been off to a social start, but starting this Monday, July 22, your attention will be pulled back to Chateau Toro. As the Sun begins a luxuriating month-long tour of Leo and your domestic fourth house, you might not feel like going farther than the corner store to pick up a bag of charcoal or a six-pack of cool, refreshing beverages. Surrender to this easy, breezy flow. This is an optimal time for lounging—and if the HGTV spirit moves you, refreshing your decor or setting up a guest room for visiting family and BFFs.

Before you send out a fleet of invites, know this, Bull. On August 5, Mercury spins into a three-week retrograde, which will remind you why they say that “fish and houseguests go bad after three days.” If you’re craving connection, you may be better off renting an apartment-style Airbnb or shacking up with relatives who might have an extra bed in their summer house (or perfectly located downtown apartment!).

Since women fall under the rule of the fourth house, this solar-charged phase might bring some game-changing women into your life—with Leo-sized, colorful personalities to boot. If you’re part of any sort of collective, now’s the time to find new ways to support each other, like joining forces on a profitable project or campaigning for candidates who support women’s rights. A home-based business could also keep you busy for the coming four weeks. Make sure your abode is set up to support your current dreams. Who says it can't be a sacred oasis AND a production studio?


Since summer began, your daily circuit may have looked something like, “get up and work” then, “lie down and chill.” That’s hardly enough of a variety show to keep YOU motivated Gemini—especially now that energizers Mars and Jupiter are powering through your sign. So you’ll be happy to hear that Monday's solar-powered shift will bring the social surge you didn’t even realize you were waiting for.  With the Sun darting into Leo and your garrulous third house until August 22, you easily reclaim your crown as the monarch butterfly. Book the festival tickets, hit up the local events, organize friends for weekend road trips.

Is there a “sister city” calling your name? Over the coming four weeks, you may be commuting between communities. Let be honest: No single coordinate on Google Earth can meet your paradoxical needs. Get adopted into that small artist’s town while maintaining your primary residence in a thriving metropolis or vice versa! Not that you need to travel far. Over the next four weeks, you may find kindred spirits locally—and everywhere from pub trivia night to the book club. But how about getting REALLY engaged? An activist or community service group could probably use an extra pair of hands—not to mention your help spreading the word. Maybe there's a neighborhood cultural fair or block party or a political candidate who you can get behind.


Here’s hoping you properly regaled your zodiac season, Cancer, because this Monday, July 22, you pass the birthday baton to all the Leos out there. As the Sun moves on to the lion’s den, you’re you’re officially out of excuses. Time to stop blowing off your accountabilities and become (sigh) a productive member of society once again. Grand schemes have been percolating while el Sol toured Cancer for the past month. Now, you can run them through a reality checker. If you’re going to do this right (and why wouldn’t you?) what are the development and implementation costs? How long will the “build” take from start to finish—honestly—and what sort of labor and other human resources will be required to pull it off? The facts could actually be quite encouraging once you get them down on paper.

Your professional life comes into focus between now and August 22, and once Mercury flips retrograde from August 5 to 28, you may begin to ponder a totally new path, or at least, a pivot. Even if you're gainfully employed, don’t rule out dreams of reigning over your own realm. We don’t recommend rushing into this with Mercury retrograde, but DO allow your curiosity to take hold. Before the year is through, you might start a side hustle on your own kitchen table or be the "intrapreneurial" head of a new division within the company you work for now. When it comes to spending, you might have to tighten that Gucci belt and stick to a budget. Don't deprive yourself of luxury; just indulge responsibly. And make sure that the money you DO shell out goes towards savvy investments that stand the test of time.


No more flying under the radar, Leo. Your birthday season begins this Monday, July 22, so…game on! Like signmate Charli XCX, you’re ready to emerge as a neon-bright superstar and claim your personal brat brat summer. When this annual four-week cycle comes around, you dominate the mainstage, dance on bar tops and make a fearless spectacle of yourself.

Alas, we must put a giant asterisk beside that invitation to express thyself this year. From August 5 to 28, Mercury will be retrograde (and retrograde in Leo after August 14), which could get you panned by the critics if you don’t rehearse your lines and consider the importance of audience engagement in all your performances. Don't fly into a panic over this misunderstood transit. Just take this as a nudge from the stars to level up, even if that means hitting pause on production so you can soak up inspiration and knowledge.

While birthday wishes may not evolve at breakneck speed, you have a wonderful opportunity to revive one of your "greatest hits" or pick up the reins on a half-done project and finish it, like, for real. If you’ve been a wee bit too dependent on other people’s resources, devise a plan to disentangle yourself. You could take on new work or start up a side business. After August 5, former collaborators could return to lend an assist. If you’re an August Leo, how about celebrating your birthday somewhere nostalgic, since retrogrades rule the past? While this is a fine time to pamper yourself with an oxygenating facial or even some microblading, save long-term style updates (tattoos, chopping off a foot of your mane) to a Pinterest board for now and see if they still appeal to you in September.


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Let’s go team! After a month of goal-getting and reaching for the stars, you might be feeling a little run down. Good news, Libra. This Monday, July 22, the Sun beams into Leo, charging up your group activity zone with colorful beams of light. Between now and August 22, you won't have much trouble at all on-boarding people to your grandiose ideas. This monthlong solar cycle is one of your most influential windows of every year, where you flutter about like the monarch of all social butterflies. Better turn those one-on-ones into group hangs. With your popularity peaking, you could burn out trying to squeeze everyone into an individual slot on your increasingly busy calendar.

Where are all the thought leaders hanging out? Plant yourself there during Leo season and you’ll be in perfect company. You may find that you feel right at home among artistic or activist communities or that you feel called to make a difference during this pivotal U.S. election year. Since Leo rules your eleventh house of tech, you could be inspired to join an online community or begin developing a digital venture. One caveat: Mercury will be retrograde from August 5 to 28. Code away, but try to reserve any major launches until AFTER that signal-jamming transit has passed.


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Summer plans take flight—and may even send you off to some far-flung locales starting this Monday, July 22, as the sun sails into Leo and charges up your globetrotting ninth house for a month. Leo Season,...


It’s peak season for seduction, Capricorn, when this Monday, July 22, the Sun heads into Leo and your sultry eighth house for a month. Go ahead. Bask in the power and allure of your purr. Just make sure...


The Law of Attraction will be your chief operating principle beginning this Monday, July 22, as the Sun bursts into Leo and your partnership house for a month. People of all stripes will flock to you, which isn’t exactly a new thing. What’s different is this: You'll only have eyes for that "attractive opposite" who picks up perfectly where you leave off. You’re one of the zodiac’s fiercest indie spirits. Anyone who tries to smother you will quickly be shown the door. But who says you have to sacrifice your autonomy to be part of a couple? Between now and August 22, a complementary companion could zip into your world. Or maybe zip BACK? With Mercury spinning retrograde from August 5 to 28, you could reprise a romance that is worthy of a second chance.

If you’re already half of a supercouple, make twosome time a top priority once again. You don't have to bow out of social obligations. Instead, find an organic way to include your S.O. in the plan—or if you’re hooked up with an introvert, leave the party a little earlier so you don't drain all your party mojo on small talk with intriguing strangers. Generate sparks by collaborating on a co-created project or planning your next big vacation together. For some Aquarians, this could be a watershed period where you may realize some fundamental incompatibilities with the person you adore. If you're not quite ready to call it quits, call the couple’s therapist and book a sit-down. An objective third party may be able to help you bridge the communication gap now. Settling down won’t be the goal though. Any relationship you’re in must inspire you to grow, explore and expand—or at least give you the freedom to do so on your own without any guilt!


Worship hour is in session, Pisces, and yes, we’re talking about the way you tr Pisces, and yes, we’re talking about the way you treat your body. If you haven’t been honoring it like the temple it is, that all changes this Monday, July 22, once the Sun shifts into Leo and your wellness zone. Between now and August 22, living your best life means living a healthier life. The devotees may line up outside your door, but that's not the point here (well, not the only point). Feeling more energized, radiant and, by extension, productive will be the clear benefits of flooding your system with the nutrients it craves. The bad news? You’ll have less frozen margs and lazy days by the pool over the coming four weeks. But on the flipside, you could be glowing with vibrant health by August 22.

Remember this: Micro-resolutions are a lot easier to bite off than daunting, extreme life makeovers. Turn self-care into a series of small, daily rituals. Instead of “wake up, turn on coffee pot, scroll TikTok,” create a sacred start to each day. How about, “wake up, step outside for a deep breath of fresh air, alkalize body with a mug of hot water and lemon while writing in journal,” for example? Or, “wake up, grab water and mat, and go to sunrise yoga”? You need more air in every way now. Clear some whitespace in your summer schedule so you have time for bike rides, swims and long walks with friends. Oxygen is brain food, so take a deep, pranic breath when you feel stress levels rise. Keep the fridge—and even a traveling cooler—stocked with fresh, healthy snacks. And since you’ll never stop being a social butterfly, come up with a go-to mocktail to order when out with friends. It’s nobody’s business that you’re raising a toast with a Virgin ‘Rita or “Nojito,” Pisces!

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