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Weekly Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign August 5 To August 11

Read this Week’s Horoscope Overview

From August 4 to August 10

Filters on! Mercury turns retrograde this Monday, August 5.

Back up all your important data, clear the air with feuding friends, and do your best to get all your paperwork filed. As the week opens up, Mercury will turn retrograde for the third time in 2024. This backspin lasts until August 28, beginning in eagle-eyed Virgo then slipping back through passionate Leo for the remainder of the loop. Conversations could devolve into endless ethical debates or even shouting matches. What's important to remember for this three-week phase is that you CAN agree to disagree—before relationships are rammed into the ground.

While the finicky planet is retrograde in Virgo for nearly ten days, review everything on the finest setting possible. Enlist a third and fourth pair of eyes to edit documents before you hit "send." Need to do more research? You're in luck! This is one of the best times of the year to tumble down the search-engine rabbit hole. When Mercury backs into Leo on August 14, a budding romance could stall, and there may be unnecessary drama involving egos or an ex.

Awkward! Love planet Venus bumps into retrograde Mercury on Wednesday.

Overthinking alert! Venus bumps into mental Mercury—who is currently retrograde in Virgo—escalating a “Do they love me or love me not?” drama. It’s one thing to be intuitive and read the tea leaves. But if gauging someone’s interest level feels like a guessing game, consider that you might be projecting qualities onto them that may not be there. One way to test the connection: Spend more time together, but without any pressure to move the relationship in a particular direction. Extend an invitation today and see what gives. If you’ve been guarded, open up more so the other party can determine if you’re a good match. The more authentic information you provide, the better.

Weekly Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign

From Aries to Pisces to every sign in between, get the weekly horoscope and astrology forecast for yourself and the people you care about.


Plug in the steam cleaner and grab the spaghetti sponge. The urge to clean up life’s messy corners could become downright insatiable for you this week, Aries. For your impatient sign, that’s saying systematic Mercury spins into its third retrograde of the year, which lasts in total until August 28. The first leg of this retreat (until August 14) is going down in Virgo and your sixth house of organization, daily routines and wellness. After that, Mercury rewinds into Leo and your fame and romance zone. Devote the next two weeks to an early fall cleaning—in a "deep-scrub those corners with a toothbrush" kind of way. You may finally have the willpower to release sentimental objects that have been gathering dust in your storage unit or sell off items you've been saving for the rainy day that never comes.

Moving your body—and energizing with clean, green fuel—will keep you sane as you parse through your mile long to-do list. Mercury retrograde in your sixth house, AKA the service sector of the zodiac, can cause confusion with your support staff. We don’t have to ask an Aries to stay on your A-game—you invented the A-game! Holding others on your team accountable to the same standard? That’s the new goal. Yes, you can show up early to work, strive to meet deadlines and proofread everything before you post it. Along with that, how about creating some metrics and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for everyone to align around?

Since the sixth house rules health and wellness, you could be making a beeline to the doc if a nagging issue hasn't gone away. If you require an in-depth procedure, try to wait until after August 28, when Mercury is direct. Of course, that might not be an option, in which case you should cross all your t's and dot all your i's, making sure you know more than you ever thought you'd need to about the treatment. Don't worry about annoying the docs, either. Get all your questions answered so you can make the right decision for yourself. If you're in fighting shape, retrograde Mercury could steer you back to a fitness modality you once loved. Dust off the boxing gloves or yoga shorts. Moving your body in familiar ways inspires you to exercise more often.

Whether it was dance classes, swimming or a sweaty spin class, Venus in Virgo is nuzzling up to Mercury retrograde all week, making an exact connection on Wednesday, August 7. If you’ve been coming down hard on bae lately, ease up, Aries. Tough love could backfire this week if you don’t bring an equal dose of tenderness to the game.


We hate to break it to you, Taurus, but even pulling petals of a Dinnerplate Dahlia won’t do much to help you answer the “Do they love me or love me not?” riddle now. Starting this Monday, August 5, messenger Mercury pivots into its third retrograde of 2024, scrambling signals in your personal life. The retreat begins in Virgo and your fifth house of passion, creativity and yes, drama. Then, on August 14, Mercury buzzes back into Leo, where it rounds out the retrograde in your sensitive fourth house and causes a little chaos under your roof until August 28.

Stay alert! An ex might crawl back into the picture over the next two weeks, flooding you with texts, flowery gestures and seductive offers. That comes with a double warning this Wednesday, August 7, when Venus nuzzles up to Mercury. You won't be thinking clearly—especially since you did kind of fantasize about this moment happening someday. But retrograde Mercury can be a trickster, and under this nostalgic light, don't fall head over statement heels without proof of a legit change since your Round One. This old flame's reappearance might simply be a test from the universe. You say you're ready to make better choices, right? Now, how about walking that talk? Keep a firm boundary in place (and fantasize secretly). This too shall pass.

If it's not an old flame who makes a resurgence, it may be someone who bears a striking resemblance, at least in character. Trust your gut and steel your willpower! Intense romance is usually followed by a crash—you’ve been through this before. Give the stable, enduring types a chance to win your heart.

For coupled Bulls, emotional friction could disrupt the placid seas of love. But rather than paddle away from the painful conversations, drop anchor and work through the issue. These currents are par for the course when you're dealing with a partner. Deeper exploration can bring you closer, even if your honesty makes waves. Perhaps your relationship has gotten too focused on the pragmatic aspects of life. Clear space on the shared calendar for dress-up date nights, concerts and other cultural events. Choosing playtime over practicality will pump up the passion. Summer lovin’ CAN happen so fast—yes, even with the person who’s been by your side for years.


Summertime sadness? You can leave that mood to almost-a-Gemini-but-actually-a-Cancer cusper, Lana Del Rey. Nevertheless, make room for the full range of your feelings. They could take you somewhat by surprise starting this Monday, August 5, when your ruler, expressive Mercury, embarks on a three-week retrograde. The signal-scrambling journey begins in Virgo, as Mercury pokes and prods your touchy-feely fourth house until August 14. Then, on the 14th, your cosmic ruler trips back into Leo, where it will add some extra passion (and perhaps a high dose of dramz) to your communication zone for the rest of the retrograde, until August 28.

During this first stretch, your emotions will be particularly raw—no hiding behind that cool-as-a-cuke M.O. Reach for the hanky, whether you're tearing up with compassion for someone you love or finally releasing the waterworks about a painful situation from your recent past, one that you’re SO ready to metabolize and move on from. With tender Venus nuzzling up to Mercury this Wednesday, your heart may finally soften to someone who deserves your compassion. (Dang, you can hold a grudge, Gemini!) People do change and evolve, so if this person’s “done the work,” you might gently explore some boundaried interactions. Hang out in a public place, set a time limit and then honestly see how that short meeting affects you before making bigger plans.

DO keep the barracuda vibes in check! While you may be tempted to throw barbs around—especially if you think you're under personal attack—that's not, um, the best use of your verbal might. Make self-care a priority, and you won't feel the need to "defend" yourself. If the source of stress is coming from within your abode—a partner, roommate or relative—your need for space is even more necessary. Home repairs could come to a standstill under this influence; in fact, you may hit the brakes yourself. As much as you want to redo your place, wait until September to tile the kitchen backsplash in a 70s palette or give up the lease to your rent-controlled apartment.

Family fun could be on the horizon this August, as long as you leave the triggering types off the invite list. As Mercury backstrokes through the most nostalgic sector of your chart until August 14, consider a reunion trip to see your favorite aunt or connect with a childhood BFF. Chances are, it'll feel like no time has passed. Such is the beauty of bonding. But kill the eye rolls when a close friend or relative does something that pushes your buttons. With Mercury's communication-skewering influence, comments muttered under your breath could do a world of damage to the trust you share.


Whether you say it with words, body language or a casual side-eye, the power of communication becomes obvious this Monday, August 5 when messenger Mercury spins into its third retrograde of the year. These signal-scrambling transits are unavoidable. Nonetheless, this time around feels like a bit of a double whammy for Cancerians, since Mercury’s backspin begins in Virgo and your communication sector. Then, on the 14th, the buzzy messenger planet scoots back into Leo and your finance zone for the remainder of the retrograde, until August 28.

So, um, what’s a tender Crab to do? There ARE options beyond “hide out in a hammock for three weeks.” Your reverence for language could inspire you to take a memoir-writing class or pick up that poetry notebook and scrawl some fresh stanzas. Wait until after August 28 to share these creative jewels with the harsher critics in your crew. Even a quizzical look by a less imaginative friend could short-circuit your artistry—and that would be a shame!

Another deeply satisfying use of this Mercury retrograde—especially prior to August 14—would be to enjoy some reunions with old friends. Flip through your social media profiles and your phone list. Somebody that you used to know (better) may be trekking down a similar path. Reconnect and see if your synergies might even lead to a more permanent partnership or collaboration. The ground is especially fertile for that this Wednesday, August 7, when creatrix Venus makes an exact conjunction to Mercury retrograde.

Be warned, however, that the Venus-Mercury hookup could trigger feelings about an unrequited love interest. Coupled Cancers won’t be long on patience. What qualifies as “mildly irritating” on an average day could send you into a rage spiral. That’s generally a sign that you’ve been subverting your own needs in the relationship. Conversations are rarely productive when you have smoke blowing out of your ears. Do a little damage control by using this week to fill your own cup. Load up on the self-care, bow out of any activities that cut into your rest time and silence notifications on all your apps.

And when you’re online, check yourself before you wreck your reputation with an ill-fated post or inappropriate critique of someone who has the power to make your life miserable. Preview, edit and revise before posting anything. If you're worried the message could be lost in translation, get a second (and third) pair of eyes to preview it—and pick the most objective people you know for the task.


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Gather the black tourmaline and shield your energetic field. The line between “intensity” and “insanity” could be hard to detect starting this Monday, August 5, as messenger Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo and your eighth house of mystery and nefarious agendas. What felt seductive last week could suddenly feel unsettling, dangerous or just off-putting. Listen to those intuitive hits but don’t spin out into paranoia. What helps most during Mercury retrograde is to research and get the cold, hard facts.

The first part of the retrograde will be the spiciest, but relationships are a theme for the entire backspin. On August 14, Mercury spins back from Virgo into Leo, where it will round out the retreat through your partnership house until August 28. You might be feeling hot to go, but don’t skip over the communication part of sensual encounters. If you’re planning to get experimental, pick a safeword. Ask questions like, “How do you like to be touched?” and “Are you in a relationship?” This might all seem so obvious but assume nothing this August!

For the record, you are under no obligation to prove that you're a “sex positive”—or to stay silent where chemistry is flatlining. Allow yourself to find your own expression in this realm, which Mercury retrograde can be supportive with.

For coupled Aquarians, Mercury's backspin brings a chance to reboot your mojo. But before you slip between the sheets and expect it to "just happen," you may have to talk about imbalances in your relationship and deal directly with resentments that have simmered below the surface for too long. You may even hit some stumbling blocks over a joint bank account or other shared resources. Instead of a blowup, proactively schedule time to hash out mutually agreeable terms. Define, define, define. 

Watch out for the green-eyed monster, especially this Wednesday, when love planet Venus connects the dots with M.R. If you're toying with snooping or Googlestalking, just don’t. This breach of trust will damage a relationship more than simply asking the person in question to speak to your fears.

With Mercury unspooling in this relationship-focused section of your chart, getting that hot-but-toxic ex out of your mind won't be easy—and it won't help matters much that said ex could start pouring on the charm with out-of-the-blue texts or a request to reconnect over drinks. But there was a reason you called this off, and you need to remember it, FAST. When it comes to new people, don't let your rose-tinted aviators get you into a tight spot, where you're trying in vain to turn an inconsistent character into Mother Teresa or your happily-ever-after.


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