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WEEKLY HOROSCOPE Weekly Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

Read this Week’s Horoscope Overview

From July 29 to August 4

Guard your personal space as Venus squares Uranus this week.

Too. Much. Togetherness! You might feel like bolting for freedom today as liberated Uranus butts heads with romantic Venus, forming an exact 90-degree square on Friday, August 2. Your autonomy should not be the price of entry for partnership, so talk through a solution. If a certain person is smothering you, take a day or two for yourself. Rash moves are likely to be regrettable. And if you’ve been biting your tongue a bit too much lately, vow to speak and act more authentically,! Single? Break out of a rut by doing something wildly different from your usual routines. Mix it up.

Sunday’s Leo new moon sets the stage for playtime and adventure. (7:13AM EDT; 12°34’)

Pump up the passion! The annual Leo new moon brings a fresh start to your creative and romantic endeavors. Where have you stopped voicing your feelings or sharing your ideas as openly as you could? Let these moonbeams loosen your tongue. Speak up when you have something to contribute to the conversation—and ask questions when you want to know more. Do one thing to put your talents on display or draw attention to your gifts. Is your work-to-play ratio skewed too heavily toward responsibilities? Commit to having more fun, even if you’re busy. Taking breaks to relax your mind and enjoy downtime with friends will ramp up your productivity. With this new moon forming sextiles (supportive angles) to both active Mars and adventurous Jupiter in Gemini, you’re invited to explore a fresh social scene, try a fun new workout or plan some exciting travel.

Love gets sweet and simple as Venus heads into Virgo from Sunday through August 29.

Trade your coffee and cocktails for matcha and mocktails. Decadent Venus leaves hedonistic Leo for healthy Virgo, and suddenly self-care is sexy. Give your love life a healthy makeunder and reboot the routines that restore your glow. It’s an ideal time to adopt a regimen you look forward to, from dance class to kickboxing. Then revel in the post-workout endorphins. Pro tip: Virgo’s love language is performing acts of service. Lavish your partner with extra TLC and support their dreams by pulling a little extra weight when they have to log extra hours. Single? With Venus in verbal Virgo, connect over conversation—this deep and discerning sign encourages you to flaunt your intelligence!

Weekly Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign

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Rules you once followed without question are up for reconsideration all week as your ruler, values-centric Venus, approaches renegade Uranus in your sign, reaching the point of peak tension on Friday, August 2. Under this twice-annual clash, too much restriction will sound your personal alarm bells. While you’re normally a conscientious model citizen, when you feel too constrained, even the mild-mannered Bull feels the urge to rebel. What old issues is this bringing up for you, Taurus? Can you ease up a bit on your reaction without swinging to the opposite extreme? Feel what you’re feeling, but make sure you don’t burn any bridges with a Uranian outburst or rage-fueled email. Love planet Venus redirects your focus to affairs of the heart, but footloose Uranus can give you a serious case of wanderlust. Allow yourself to experience the full range of emotions that come up, but stop short of drawing any definitive conclusions. What feels ho-hum today could be the stability you desperately crave tomorrow.

Peace at all costs? Only you can say yay or nay to a “price tag,” but reconciliation with a relative, roomie or close pal is within reach on Sunday if you’re willing to forgive and—not forget, but—move on. That day, the year’s only new moon in Leo sends a loving, generous jolt through your fourth house of home and family. Forget “who’s right” and focus instead how you can both unhook from the drama and get your caring connection back. And if you can’t come to a meeting of the minds, can you cut the cords of negativity and at least agree to disagree? Where else have you been feeling thwarted or stuck? New moons are a time for fresh starts, so if you’ve been frustrated with your living situation or feel unfulfilled in any way, say something! Yearning to move? Start exploring new 'hoods now and meeting locals—and be patient. New moons can take six months to fully unfold.

The world is your personal catwalk starting Sunday evening as your glamorous galactic guru grooves into pristine Virgo and your fifth house of flamboyance, flirtation and fame until August 29. With amiable—and sensual—Venus here, your social life AND your love life are poised to go through the roof. If you’re single and ready for a whole lot more action, dress up and paint the town red like Doja Cat. Remember: You have to play to win, Bull. The planet of aesthetics could inspire couples to do something creative, from redecorating to a romantic photo shoot to (pro)creating a new addition to the family. (Not for nothing, the fifth house also rules fertility.) Venus' artistic and musical influence is on tap for all Tauruses now, so grab your pen, easel or guitar and play!



Stay mindful of what comes tumbling out of your mouth because loose lips can absolutely sink ships. No, this isn’t a pre-Mercury retrograde (retroshade) warning for next Monday’s backspin. All week, Venus in passionate Leo and your chatty third house is on a collision course with unbridled Uranus in your unconscious twelfth house, with the peak clash coming on Friday, August 2. This could be anything from a message you wanted to broadcast that might feel provocative to some people to sharing a piece of juicy gossip. Bottom line: If you’re questioning it, it’s better to keep it locked in the vault! Even if you're sharing it with someone because you're concerned, under this stressful mashup, your blurts could come back to haunt you. Uranus can also unleash anger, so watch your temper. In the heat of the moment, you could leap before looking, and once those words are uttered, you can’t take them back. If you feel like your head will explode if you keep all this inside, get physical (rather than verbal). Go for a vigorous walk or run, hit the gym, or seek out a change of scenery: all perfect distractions from the drama. Be sure to include activities that will feed your creative reward centers, like hitting a craft fair, wine sipping in the country or perhaps a little restrained retail therapy. Any of those should put you back in sunny spirits!

But you hardly have to issue yourself a gag order! In fact, you might start writing a new chapter this Sunday—metaphorically, in your personal life, or actually penning your memoir—as the year’s only Leo new moon electrifies your third house of communication and local socializing. This zone relates not just to friends but to neighbors and siblings, who might factor significantly into plans. If you have a personal vision around speaking, writing or broadcasting, make sure you’re clear on things you “require” as well as your deal breakers. Scenarios can escalate quickly under these activating moonbeams, and you might get a chance to put your money where your mouth is without a lot of warning. Have you been hoping to get to know your neighborhood and its many offerings better? Luna shines a light on appealing scenes over the coming weeks, so see if any of your squad are interested in checking out new venues close to base camp.

Home becomes all the sweeter starting this Sunday, when pleasure agent Venus settles into your fourth house of kith and kin until August 29. Anyone with designs on your heart will need to be amenable to home cooking, chilling and canoodling for the next several weeks. For Gems who are dating but don't live together, this a great time to initiate talks about cohabitation. Not that you need pals or a partner to keep busy! All those good old-fashioned "home arts"—crafting, baking, home-brewing, redecorating—will make you happy over the coming four weeks. More of a fan or dabbler than a dedicated “doer”? Join a wine or book club or throw an epic dinner party before August 29. Just make sure anyone you invite into your lair is simpatico because harmonizing Venus can’t stand bickering or complaining!


You love to plan and organize, but leave room for a little spontaneity! All week, values-driven Venus is headed for a direct hit with liberated Uranus in your communal eleventh house, forming their exact clashing meetup on Friday, August 2. Your desires are liable to change on a whim under this comfort-zone-challenging square, and you want to be able to honor what’s in your heart. Your go-to crew may suddenly feel constraining—or a bit ho-hum—to you—and you could get a wild hare to go your own way. But to avoid getting burned by this intense and unpredictable Uranian energy, be honest about what you’re feeling (or sensing) and graciously bow out of plans that don’t excite you or meet Venus’ upscale standards. Honesty is generally the best policy—except if your words could potentially hurt someone. Just politely beg off and then make it up to your friend later by treating for lunch. All this said, there’s no need to permanently remove yourself from the squad. The whole point is simply to respect your needs and prioritize "Cancer time." With a little breathing room, you'll be back in step with everyone in very short order!

On Sunday, the year’s only Leo new moon powers up your second house of security and finances, blessing that area of your life with its fresh-start energy. If you’ve felt the need to get more serious about your income or savings plan, this lunar lift can help. But first you need to get really honest with yourself. Are you happy with your current work situation? If not, would a raise or promotion make it worth sticking around? What needs to shift to keep you satisfied and inspired? Simply cashing a paycheck isn't enough for your soulful sign. What’s your most potent passion and how could you make a good living from it? Over the next two weeks (peak manifesting time of this abundant new moon), discreetly reach out to friends and associates who might be able to make some introductions or offer professional advice. And remember: Making more bank won’t get you ahead if you burn it as fast as you earn it. So in the coming weeks and months, get a handle on your whole financial picture, including where you’re wasting money on unnecessary expenses.

Also on Sunday, beautifying and socializing Venus wings into Virgo and your locally sourced third house until August 29. You may suddenly be eager to explore new venues within walking (or Ubering) distance and add new kindred spirits to your inner circle. You might be chattier than usual or attracted to some very different types of people. This is also a good time to STOP going to the same old joints with the same people simply because “that’s what we do.” You don’t have to pull up stakes and move to sprinkle in some variety. If you’re not totally content, consider switching gyms or yoga studios, shopping in different stores and finding a new pub or coffee shop to make your regular. And since Venus IS the love goddess, when she lights up your communication corner, single Crabs get a reminder how fun it can be to engage in a little casual flirting. Couples may be inspired to socialize more as a pair, maybe hosting events for your shared friend group.


Are you moving one step forward two steps back toward a big career goal, Leo? All week Venus, which rules your professional realm and is currently in Leo, is on a collision course with transformational Uranus in your tenth house of professional goals, with the peak clash coming on Friday, August 2. This dynamic energy can be frustrating: Should you stay the course or seek out something different? But on the bright side, it’s getting you fired up about initiating the shifts to make your work feel meaningful. You’re a natural-born leader, Lion, but as a fixed sign, you can stagnate when things are “good enough.” If you sense there’s something bigger and better out there, these winds of change can propel you into action. While a new gig could literally fall into your lap, you’re likely to have more success by being proactive. Do your bit by researching classes, mentorships and mastermind groups in your industry—or ones you’d like to transition into. Upleveling your knowledge base will take you to the next level…fast!

Sunday is kind of like your personal New Year’s thanks to the year’s only Leo new moon firing up your first house of self and identify. Consider it your planetary permission slip to do, well, YOU, in bold strokes! But don’t just race willy-nilly into the next six-month cycle. This is a very powerful time to reconnect to your higher goals, and the clearer you can be the more successful you’re likely to become. Pro tip: Taking a moment to acknowledge everything you've accomplished in the last half-year will open you up to receiving (and achieving) even more. Remember, what you let go of is just as important as what you call in.

Even more cosmic support floods in on Sunday as values-focused Venus leaves your sign (and with it, some newly acquired indulgent habits) and waltzes into analytical Virgo and your second house of finances and security until August 29. With fiscally savvy Venus encamped here, you can review your core values AND update your goals for the rest of 2024—and beyond. You might land a freelance gig that requires you to wake up a little earlier to work on it outside your 9-5. The second house also rules practical luxury, which could be your sign’s middle name. If you’ve put yourself on a temporary austerity program, relish life’s simple (yet decadent) pleasures: high-thread-count sheets, a fabulous bottle of Portuguese wine, sumptuous fabrics and accessories that make your eyes pop. Sensuality doesn’t have to come with a price tag attached, of course. Simply unplugging from your phone and actually talking to bae or your crush at the end of the day is a hella potent aphrodisiac! Single? Keep a very open mind about slightly more traditional types, especially anyone whose face lights up when they see you.


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Gasping for air in certain key relationships? On tenterhooks waiting for the other shoe to drop? Breathe, Aquarius! This week could bring tense interpersonal dynamics as Venus in Leo and your partnership zone approaches a challenging square (90-degree angle) with disruptive Uranus in Taurus and your fourth house of family, culminating in an exact alignment on Friday, August 2. Stay mindful as loved ones make more and more demands on your time, which can make you feel less and less interested in complying. To avoid becoming fenced in by responsibility, get proactive and set clearer and firmer boundaries. At first, that might be a bit awkward and uncomfortable for your affable sign, but which would you rather do: Suck it up and say no to draining requests or stew silently in resentment? On the other side of the coin, make sure your actions don't leave your inner circle in the lurch. As much as you’re dying to fly free, it's not in anyone’s best interest for you to shirk responsibility.

Ready for a romantic revival? This Sunday, the year's only Leo new moon lands in your seventh house of relationships and fires up the lovin’ vibes! New moons bring opportunities for fresh starts, so lean into Leo’s proud confidence and go after what your heart desires. Even if you’ve got to fake it till you make it, remember you can’t “win” if you don’t “play”! This lunar lift in your dynamic-duos zone can intensify the urge to merge—and not in a superficial way. Leo is a deeply loyal and generous sign, and under this activating new-moon energy, you could be craving true, aligned companionship. If you’re in a committed union but stuck on a certain issue, these next two weeks are ideal for broaching the subject. While it may not be the most enjoyable conversation you’ll ever have, it could actually be the most important. Solid partnerships can get stronger when you’re willing to get vulnerable and really need to trust your partner.

You’ve been known to keep people at a bit of an emotional distance because it feels safer than letting 'em in all the way. But this Sunday, when romantic Venus crosses into your intimate and erotic eighth house, you might actually welcome the prospect of rolling in the deep. And your choice of playmates may surprise you. Bottom line: You need to be physically attracted to someone to "go there," but keep an open mind about someone so clever, bright and witty that their looks are the last thing you care about. Between now and August 29, when Venus moves on, surround yourself with ethical people. Virgo is the sign of service, and under this activating transit, you might be attracted to someone whose mission is helping underrepresented people. Attached? Look around for ways you and bae can get more involved in do-gooder activities or offer some skill-appropriate mentoring. If you’re confused by your current relationship status, Venus' warm glow could melt away any resistance to permabonding. You don’t have to go all in at once. Take one small yet significant step, like leaving more of your clothes in each other's homes—and exchange keys already!



Be extra patient with important communication this week, Pisces. In spite of your best intentions, getting your poin

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